Israel Institute of Technology
CS 236357: Distributed
Algorithms (Winter 2001)
CS 236357: Distributed
Algorithms (Winter 1998)
Michigan Institute of Technology
6.852: Distributed
Algorithms (Fall 2001)
Texas A&M
CPSC 668:
Distributed Algorithms and Systems (Fall 2000)
CPSC 668:
Distributed Algorithms and Systems (Fall 2002)
Brown University
CS 176:
Introduction to Distributed Computing (Fall 2003)
Iowa State University
Com S 612:
Distributed Algorithms (Spring 2004)
National University of Singapore
4231: Parallel and Distributed Algorithms (Spring 2004)
Rensellaer Polytechnic Institute
CSCI 6966:
Distributed Computing Algorithms (Spring 2001)
University of Toronto
CS 2221S: Theory
of Distributed Computing (Winter 2001)
Yale University
425/525: Distributed Systems (Fall 2003)
University of Rochester
CSC 484/484:
Parallel Algorithm (Spring 2002)
Swedish Institute of Computer
course on Distributed Algorithms (Autumn 1997)
Cornell University
CS 444:
Distributed Systems and Algorithms (Autumn 1997)