Dear Colleagues:

On behalf of the Melecon 2000 organizing committee, we are pleased to welcome you to the 10th Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference on Information Technology and Electrotechnology for the Mediterranean Countries. An exciting and stimulating technical program was made possible by your contributions, with the presentation of a total of 312 papers covering the most recent technological advances on information technology and electrotechnology.

Throughout the world, electrotechnology and information technology form the basis of an entirely new era in professional practice and the delivery of services.  It is characterized as a revolution based on information, hoping to improve the quality of life.  This is especially important in the Mediterranean region, which bridges countries from three continents, Europe, Asia and Africa.  Thus, the special theme of the conference has been selected to be: Information Technology and Electrotechnology for the Mediterranean Countries. The papers of Melecon 2000 will be presented under the following sessions:

Regional Communication and Information Technology (111 papers)

High Performance Networking, Control & Optimization, Communications/Network Design, Intelligent Networks, Network Reliability & Quality of Service, Broadband Network Communications I, II, Communication Systems, Optical Systems & Networks, Internet Services & Applications, Wireless & Mobile Communications I, II, III, Internet Services I, II, and Electron Devices.

Signal and Image Processing (115 papers)

Neural Networks I, II, Intelligent Systems, Image & Multidimensional Signal Processing I, II, Speech & Sound Processing, Filters, Signal & Image Processing I, II, Transportation Engineering, Signal Processing, Circuits & Systems I, II, Digital Signal Processing I, II, and Communication Systems DSP.

Power Generation Supply and Renewable Resources (86 papers)

Distribution, Power Quality, Transmission I, II, III, Machines I, II, Generation, Environmental/Energy Conservation, Control I, II and Renewables I, II.  

Furthermore, the IEEE Region 8 student paper contest will take place during Melecon 2000 where 6 finalists will compete.

We wish to express our thanks to all the contributors who submitted papers to Melecon 2000 for review. It goes without saying that we could not have had such a high quality technical program without your contributions.

Also, we would like to express our sincere thanks to C. Economides, G. Malliotis, S. Panis and C. Stasopoulos, for their dedicated efforts during the abstract review process and the preparation of the technical program. Moreover, we would like to thank P. Symeou, Y. Frangoulides, S. Spyrou, M. Papaconstantiou, A. Constantinou, K. Diamantides, and A. Kellas for their dedicated work and support in materializing this conference.  Last but not least, we would like to thank E. Polycarpou, M. Avraam, K. Mavromati, C. Hadjiyianni, S. Evstathiou, and Y. Mylonas for their exceptional technical assistance in managing the paper handling and the electronic communications of the conference, as well as in preparing the advance program, and the conference proceedings.

We hope that Melecon 2000 will offer opportunities for professional growth and establishing new contacts with colleagues. Our intention is to do all we can to make your participation in the conference worthwhile and your stay in Cyprus enjoyable. Please feel free to let us know if we can assist you in any way.

C. S. Pattichis
C. N. Schizas
L. Savvides

March 2000

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