Tuesday Morning May 30

Session 1.5: Network Reliability & Quality of Service
Time & Place: 9:30 - 11:00, Bacchus



M. Achilleos
Cyprus Telecommunications Authority, Cyprus
1.5.1 09:30
The development of a certified ISO 9000 quality management system to meet the requirements of the European
Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM) Model - the Cyprus Telecommunications Authority Case   
M. Achilleos1, G. Ioannou2
1Fulfillment Department of the Cyprus Telecommunications Authority, Cyprus
2Management Consulting Services Department, Pricewaterhouse Coopers, Cyprus
1.5.2 09:45
Towards QoS specification for distributed virtual environments   
M. Matijasevic1, D. Gracanin2, K. P. Valavanis3, I. Lovrek1          
1Department of Telecommunications, University of Zagreb, Croatia
2Department of Computer Science, Virginia Tech, Northern Virginia Centre, USA
3Department of DPEM, Technical University of Crete, Greece
1.5.3 10:00
Fault analysis and prediction in telecommunication access
D. Medved1, K. Brlas1, D. Saric2
1Croatian Telecom, Rijeka, Croatia
2Croatian Telecom, Non Voice Services Division, Zagreb, Croatia
1.5.4 10:15
TTCN quality metrics
S. Kalogeropoulos1, T. Kotsilieris1, A. Mihalas1, V. Kollias2, V. Loumos1, E. Kayafas1
1Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, National Technical University of Athens, Greece
2TELETEL S.A., Athens, Greece

Cost effective deployment of service logic in future distributed processing environments  
A. Kaltabani, E. Tzifa, P. Demestichas, M. Anagnostou 
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, National Technical University of Athens, Greece

1.5.6 10:45
A two-bit scheme for service differentiation in IP networks        
A. Kos, S. Tomazic     
Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia


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