Wednesday Morning, May 31

Session 3.9: Environmental Issues / Energy Conservation
Time & Place: 9:30 - 11:00, Amathusia




C. Ioannou
IEE Cyprus, Cyprus


Simple validation method of a TRNSYS model for a thermosyphon solar water heating system
S. A. Kalogirou1, C. Papamarcou2     
1Higher Technical Institute of Cyprus, Cyprus
2Electricity Authority of Cyprus, Cyprus


Measurements of power frequency magnetic fields in different environments        
R. Sekerinska, V. Dimcev   
Faculty of Electrical Engineering, St. Cyril and Methodius University, F.Y.R.O.M.


Residential customer preferences in the DSM programmes
J. Nazarko, A. Jurczuk
Institute of Management and Marketing, Chair of Business Informatics and Logistics, Bialystok Technical University, Poland

3.9.4 10:15
Fuel limitations and environmental constraints in Probabilistic Production Simulation Models
G. C. Contaxis1, C. Delkis1, D. Papachristou1, A. Adrachtas2
1Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, National Technical University of Athens, Greece
2Public Power Corporation, Strategy and Planning Department, Greece


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