IEEE Region 8 - IEEE Cyprus Section - IEE Cyprus
Cyprus Professional Engineers Association
University of Cyprus

Paper submission guidelines

(based on the IEEE information for authors Webpage

1. Download the new IEEETRAN.DOT author's template for Microsoft Word (versions 6 & 7 for Windows 95). Zip file contains template and a User's Guide that doubles as a Word sample document.

2. Prepare your document based on the IEEETRAN.DOT user’s guide. Note that the paper size is limited to 4 pages.

3. Download the IEEE copyright form. Note that in the copyright form, the PUBLICATION TITLE is: Proceedings of Melecon 2000.


Submit the following by MARCH 10, 2000:

  1. Two hard copies of the paper.
  2. A diskette containing the Microsoft Word file of the paper and an ascii file of your paper. The name of the file should be the unique identification number of the paper. The diskette should have a label with the unique identification number, the name of the paper, and the name of the first author.
  3. The IEEE copyright form.



Regional Communication and Information Technology

Internet Services and Applications            Wireless

Cellular and Mobile                                  Communications

High Performance Networking                  Intelligent Networks

Network Design       Control and Optimization of Communication Systems

Network Reliability and Quality of Service     Optical Systems and Networks

Signal and Image Processing

Speech Processing                                              Digital Signal Processing

Statistical Signal and Array Processing    

Image and Multidimensional Signal Processing

Neural Networks                                             Multimedia Signal Processing

Power Generation Supply and Renewable Resources

Generation                     Transmission

Distribution                   Intelligent Monitoring

Privatization and De-regulation of Electric Power 

Information Technology Applications                Cable Technology    

This site and all contents are Copyright (c) 2000,
Department of Computer Science.
All rights reserved.