The Compulog network is currently organized by nine
scientific areas each one coordinated by a node and an area coordinator. These are:
Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
deals with computer modelling and representation of knowledge and with
mechanised reasoning procedures that draw inference from and apply knowledge to problem-
Logic-Based Databases
encompasses logic-based methods and techniques for building, developing
and applying large databases, especially deductive databases.
Automated Deduction Systems
deals with automated theorem proving techniques as used in mathematics
and theoretical computer science in the verification of hardware and software, and for
efficient inference techniques in AI systems. Currently the main subareas are unification,
term rewriting systems and ATP systems architectures.
Concurrent and Constraint Logic Programming
deals with extensions of logic programming to constraints and concurrent
programming. The area ranges from constraint solving algorithms for problem solving to
concepts for multi-agent systems.
Language Design, Semantics and Verification
deals with design and semantic characterisation of language extensions
(for example concurrency, integration with functional programming, new language features)
and with semantics-based analysis and, in particular, verification techniques.
Implementation Technology and Parallelism
deals with compilation methods, execution models, abstract machines,
performance evaluation etc. for the sequential and parallel implementation of
computational logic systems.
Program Development
is concerned with methodologies, tools, and techniques supporting the
development of computer programs, and efficiency improvements.
(Computational Logic and) Machine Learning
is concerned with the development of the theory and practical algorithms
for learning in a logic-based framework. A major research topic is Inductive Logic
Programming and related forms of learning, such as learning by analogy, abductive
learning, non-monotonic learning, and explanation-based learning. The research area is in
the intersection of interests of the computational logic and the machine learning
community, and is to be jointly supported by MLNet and Compulog Net.
(Computational Logic and) Natural Language Processing
is concerned with the rich interface between logic-based methods and
natural language processing, such as logic-oriented grammar formalisms, logic-based
natural language semantics, and (constraint) logic programming for NL processing systems,
and the use of NLP techniques in computational logic in general. This research area is to
be jointly supported by Compulog Net and Elsnet.
The Area News section of the newsletter is separated into subsections,
one for each area. Each of these reports on activities of the network and developments
specific to the area. This will include reports on the state of the art and surveys of the
area (or specific subfields of the area), reviews and announcements of area meetings and
other conferences or workshops specific to the area, project reports on scientific work
carried out by network nodes together with special research reports on work done outside
the network within the same area of Computational Logic. The area coordinators of the
network act as area editors for the corresponding subsections. Contributions whose subject
falls within an area can be send to the area editors. For details see the inside cover
pages. |