Organiser: M. Grigoriadou (University of Athens, Department of Informatics and Telecommunications, email:
Computer Science is simultaneously a theoretical, experimental and
technological discipline with inherent cultural, social, legal and ethical
issues that affect life socially and financially. Computer Science also
has a significant impact on the teaching and learning of all educational
subjects as has been acknowledged by many researchers. Therefore the introduction
of new information and communication technologies as a learning tool has
become necessary in all educational subjects as well as in all education
levels while the study of computer science supports students in their social
integration and their university studies. As Computer Science can be viewed
from this multi-dimensional perspective the educational approaches to its
teaching and learning emancipate its different dimensions. The
objective of this workshop is the closer examination and the discussion
of different subjects of Computer Science Education in the framework of
this multi dimensional perspective as well as their connection with different
methodologies concerning the didactics of Informatics and the use of computer
as a learning tool.
Final Program: