ITAB 2010
will be held in Corfu, Greece, 3-5 November 2010
For more information please visit:
Invitation for submitting your work in
Journal Special Issues: 
IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine:
Special Issue on Biomedical Informatics
(Deadline for paper submission: April 30th, 2010)
(call for papers in pdf ).
Journal of Biomedical Signal Processing and Control:
Special Issue on Biomedical Signal Processing and Analysis
(Deadline for paper submission: April 30th, 2010)
(call for papers in pdf ).
Final Program and Abstract book 
Invitation for opening Ceremony 
Call for Papers
We would like to cordially invite you to participate in the upcoming 9th IEEE International Conference on Information Technology and Applications in Biomedicine (ITAB 2009). You can submit a paper or a proposal for a special session.
The overall objective of ITAB 2009 is to cover the state of the art of Information Technology Applications in Biomedicine targeting in the offering of a better service to the citizen. The theme of the conference will be: Citizen Centered e-Health Systems in a Global Healthcare Environment.
ITAB 2009 marks the continuation of the previous 8 successful conferences held in Prague in 1997, in Washington DC in 1998, in Amsterdam in 1999, in Virginia in 2000, in Birmingham in 2003, in Ioannina in 2006, in Tokyo in 2007, and in Shenzhen in 2008.
This year’s ITAB will be held in November 5-7, in the sunny island of Cyprus, an island with a huge recorded history and cultural heritage.
Papers and special sessions covering a broad spectrum of themes are invited but not limited to the following tracks:
- Biomedical Signal Processing and Analysis
- Biomedical Image Processing and Analysis
- Bioinformatics and Computational Biology
- Systems Biology and Modeling Methodologies
- Diagnostic and Therapeutic Systems
- e-Health Systems, m-Health Systems, and Telemedicine Systems.
Special Sessions:
- LinkSCEEM HPC Life Sciences Meeting
- 2nd International Workshop on Computational Intelligence in Medical Imaging (CIMI 2009).
- 1st International Workshop on Information Technology for Patient Safety (ITPS 2009).
- 1st International Workshop on Multi-type Content Repurposing and Sharing in Medical Education.
- 1st International Workshop on Computational Methods in Orthopedic Biomechanics and Rehabilitation (COMOR 2009)
Paper Submission and Publication:
The submissions should contain original, high quality, not submitted or published elsewhere work. Papers should strictly follow IEEE format and have a page limit of 4 pages. Extended papers of 5 or 6 pages will be considered, and the authors will be charged with an additional fee of 25 or 50 Euro, respectively. All accepted papers will be included in the proceedings of ITAB 2009 that will be published by the IEEE (expecting confirmation soon). Extended versions of selected papers of the conference will be invited for publication in special issues of the IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine, and other International Journals (SCI Indexed).
You can use the template provided (click here to download the MS template)
In order to upload the pdf version of your paper please visit:
Student Paper Competition:
Students are encouraged to submit their papers for the ITAB 2009 student paper competition, following the regular paper submission procedure. Submissions will be evaluated based on their originality, scientific merits, structure, and clarity of composition. All submissions will be peer-reviewed and finalists selected based on the merits of submissions must attend the Conference and present their papers as either a platform or poster presentation. First, second and third place winners will be selected and these winners will receive monetary awards. The award winners will also be invited to submit their work in journal special issues on topics related to the conference.
Important Dates:
Paper Submission Deadline: July 10, 2009
Acceptance Notification: September 10, 2009
Camera Ready Paper: October 10, 2009 (there will be no other extension)
Early Registration: October 10, 2009 (there will be no other extension)
Final Program Available: October 5, 2009
Hotel Reservation: October 10, 2009
To view the Conference Venue in Google Map, click here