Paphos - Cyprus
October 18 - 20,

Supported by:
University of Cyprus
Integrated Project

Association for Theoretical Computer

Limassol Co-operative Savings
Bank Ltd

IBM Cyprus

The session room will have a data/video-projector, a laptop, a screen and an
overhead projector.
Speakers planning an electronic
presentation may either
use the provided laptop
bring their own laptop. (If you plan
to bring and use a mac/apple laptop,
you must also bring the adaptor
required for connecting to a
data/video-projector cable.)
Each contributed talk should go for
20 minutes, leaving some additional
minutes for discussion.
Tentative schedule
Saturday 17 October 2009
Sunday 18 October 2009
8:00-9:15 Registration
9:15-10:15 Invited Talk by Elias Koutsoupias:
Approximate Price of Anarchy and Stability
Chair: Marios Mavronicolas
10:15-10:45 Coffee Break
10:45-12:25 Session 1 (Congestion Games)
Session Chair: Edith Elkind
Tobias Harks, Max Klimm
and Rolf H. Moehring, Characterizing the Existence of Potential Functions in Weighted
Congestion Games
Vittorio Bilò, Angelo Fanelli, Michele Flammini and Luca Moscardelli, Performances of One-Round Walks in Linear Congestion Games
Tanmoy Chakraborty and
Sanjeev Khanna, Nash Dynamics in Constant Player and Bounded Jump Congestion Games
Andrew Byde, Maria
Polukarov and Nicholas Jennings, Games with Congestion-Averse Utilities
12:30-14:30 Lunch Break
14:30-16:10 Session 2 (Potpourri)
Session Chair: Elias Koutsoupias
Yoram Bachrach, Edith
Elkind, Reshef Meir, Dmitrii Pasechnik, Michael Zuckerman,
Joerg Rothe and Jeffrey
Rosenschein, The Cost of Stability and Its Application to Weighted Voting Games
Hyunwoo Jung and
Kyung-Yong Chwa, The Balloon Popping Problem Revisited: Lower and Upper Bounds
Rajiv Raman, Khaled
Elbassioni, Saurabh Ray and Rene Sitters, On Profit-Maximizing Pricing for the Highway and Tollbooth Problems
Edith Elkind, Piotr
Faliszewski and Arkadii Slinko, Swap Bribery
16:10-16:40 Coffee Break
16:40-18:20 Session 3 (Scheduling and Routing)
Session Chair: Vittorio Bilo
Elliot Anshelevich and
Satish Ukkusuri, Equilibria in Dynamic Selfish Routing
Ronald Koch and Martin
Skutella, Nash Equilibria and the Price of Anarchy for Flows Over Time
Kim Thang Nguyen and
Christoph Dürr, Non-Clairvoyant Scheduling Games
Christine Chung and
Evangelia Pyrga, Stochastic Stability in Internet Router Congestion Games
Monday 19 October 2009
9:15-10:15 Invited Talk by Mihalis Yannakakis:
Computational Aspects of Equilibria
Chair: Paul Spirakis
10:15-10:45 Coffee Break
10:45-12:25 Session 4 (Solution Concepts and Complexity)
Session Chair: Pino Persiano
Felix Brandt, Markus Brill, Felix Fischer and Jan Hoffmann, The Computational Complexity of Weak Saddles
Michal Feldman and Moshe
Tennenholtz, Partition Equilibrium
Joshua Letchford, Vincent Conitzer and Kamesh Munagala, Learning and Approximating the Optimal Strategy to Commit To
Felix Brandt, Markus
Brill, Felix Fischer and Paul Harrenstein, On the Complexity of Iterated Weak Dominance in Constant-Sum Games
12:30-14:00 Lunch Break
14:00 Bus departure to excursion (excursion program)
Tuesday 20 October 2009
9:15-10:15 Invited Talk
Noam Nisan
Google´s Auction for TV ads
Chair: Burkhard
10:15-10:45 Coffee
10:45-12:25 Session 5 (Potpourri)
Elliot Anshelevich, Sanmay Das and Yonatan
Naamad, Anarchy, Stability, and Utopia: Creating
Better Matchings
Epstein and Asaf Levin, On equilibria for ADM minimization games
Martin Hoefer, Lars Olbrich and Alexander
Skopalik, Doing Good with Spam is Hard
Elliot Anshelevich and Bugra Caskurlu,
Price of Stability in Survivable Network
12:30-14:30 Lunch
14:30-16:10 Session 6
(Mechanism Design and Auctions)
Session Chair: Krzysztof Apt
Dobzinski and Noam Nisan, A Modular Approach to Roberts' Theorem
Oren Ben-Zwi, Ilan Newman and Guy Wolfovitz,
A Perfect Auction Derandomization
Po-An Chen and David Kempe.
Bayesian Auctions with Friends and Foes
Moshe Babaioff,
and Noam
Free-Riding and Free-Labor in Combinatorial
16:10-16:40 Coffee
16:40-18:45 Session 7 (Mechanisms)
Session Chair: George Christodoulou
Berger, Rudolf Mόller and Seyed Hossein
Naeemi, Characterizing Incentive Compatibility for
Convex Valuations
Clemens Thielen and Sven Krumke,
Truthful Mechanisms for Selfish Routing and
Two-Parameter Agents
Abraham Othman and Tuomas Sandholm,
Better with Byzantine: Manipulation-Optimal
On the planner’s loss due to lack of
information in Bayesian mechanism design
Krzysztof Apt and Arantza
Sequential pivotal mechanisms for public
project problems