Nicolas Nicolaou, PhD

Visiting Lecturer
Department of Computer Science
University of Cyprus

Resume: [ pdf ]

Research Interests:

  • Fault-Tolerant Distributed Algorithms
  • Wireless Mobile & Sensor Networks
  • Theory and Practice of robust distributed computing
  • Security Evaluation and Analysis of Voting Technologies



Current Semester:

  • EPL432-Distributed Algorithms, Fall 2012, Instructor, University of Cyprus
  • EPL033-Introduction to Programming for Civil Engineers, Fall 2012, Instructor, University of Cyprus
Past Semesters:
  • EPL131-Principles of Programming I, Spring 2012, Instructor, University of Cyprus
  • EPL032.1-Problem Solving and Program Design, Spring 2012, Instructor, University of Cyprus
  • EPL211-Theory of Computation, Fall 2011, Instructor, University of Cyprus
  • EPL003.2-Introduction to Computer Science, Fall 2011, Instructor, University of Cyprus
  • CSE123C-Introduction to Computing and Programming in C++, Fall 2006, Teaching Assistant, University of Connecticut
  • CSE230-Software Engineering, Spring 2006, Teaching Assistant, University of Connecticut
  • CSE259-Algorithms and Complexity, Spring 2005, Teaching Assistant, University of Connecticut
  • EPL033-C programming language for Civil Engineers, Fall 2003, Teaching Assistant, University of Cyprus

Funded Projects:

Publication List:

    J3. Peng Xie, Zhong Zhou, Nicolas Nicolaou, Andrew See, Jun-Hong Cui, and Zhijie Shi, Efficient Vector-Based Forwarding for Underwater Sensor Networks, in EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, vol. 2010, Article ID 195910, 13 pages, 2010.
    J2. T. Antonyan, S. Davtyan, S. Kentros, A. Kiayias, L. Michel, N. Nicolaou, A. Russell and A. A. Shvartsman, State-Wide Elections, Optical Scan Voting and the Pursuit of Integrity, in IEEE Trans. on Information Forensics and Security (Special Issue on Electronic Voting), 4(4): 597-610, IEEE, 2009.
    J1. Chryssis Georgiou, Nicolas C. Nicolaou, and Alexander A. Shvartsman, Fault-Tolerant SemiFast Implementations of Atomic Read/Write Registers, in Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing (JPDC), 69(1): 62-79, Elsevier, 2009.

    Refereed Conferences/Workshops:
    C13 Nicolas Nicolaou, Chryssis Georgiou: On the Practicality of Atomic MWMR Register Implementations, in Proceedings of the 10th IEEE International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing with Applications (IEEE ISPA12), Madrid, Spain, 2012  
    C12 Chryssis Georgiou, Nicolas Nicolaou, Alexander Russell, and Alexander Shvartsman: Towards Feasible Implementations of Low-Latency Multi-Writer Atomic Registers, in Proceedings of the 10th IEEE International Symposium on Network Computing and Applications (IEEE NCA11), Boston, USA, 2011
    C11 Tigran Antonyan, Nicolas Nicolaou, Alexander Shvartsman, and Therese Smith: Determining the Causes of AccuVote Optical Scan Voting Terminal Memory Card Failures, in Online Proceedings of Electronic Voting Technology Workshop/Workshop of Trustworthy Elections (EVT/WOTE'10), Washington DC, USA, 2010.
    C10 Burkhard Englert, Chryssis Georgiou, Peter Musial, Nicolas Nicolaou, and Alexander A. Shvartsman: On the Efficiency of Atomic Multi-Reader, Multi-Writer Distributed Memory, in Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Principles of Distributed Systems (OPODIS 2009), Nimes, France, 2009.
    C9 Chryssis Georgiou, Sotirios Kentros, Nicolas Nicolaou, and Alexander A. Shvartsman: Analyzing the Number of Slow Reads for Semifast Atomic Read/Write Register Implementations, in the Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems (PDCS 2009), pages 229-236, Cambridge, MA, 2009.
    C8 S. Kentros, A. Kiayias, N. Nicolaou and A. A. Shvartsman: At-Most-Once Semantics in Asynchronous Shared Memory, in Proceedings of the 22nd International Symposium on Distributed Computing (DISC 2009), pages 258-273, Elche, Spain, 2009.
    C7 T. Antonyan, S. Davtyan, S. Kentros, A. Kiayias, L. Michel, N. Nicolaou, A. Russell and A. Shvartsman: Automating Voting Terminal Event Log Analysis, in Online Proceedings of Electronic Voting Technology Workshop/Workshop of Trustworthy Elections (EVT/WOTE'09), Montreal, Canada, 2009.
    C6 Seda Davtyan, Sotiris Kentros, Aggelos Kiayias, Laurent Michel, Nicolas Nicolaou, Alexander Russell, Andrew See, Narasimha Shashidhar, Alexander A. Shvartsman: Taking Total Control of Voting Systems: Firmware Manipulations on an Optical Scan Voting Terminal, in Proceedings of the 24th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC 09),pages 2049-2053, March 8–12, Hawaii, 2009.
    C5 Chryssis Georgiou, Nicolas Nicolaou, and Alexander A. Shvartsman, On the Robustness of (Semi)Fast Quorum-Based Implementations of Atomic Shared Memory, in Proceedings of the 22nd International Symposium on Distributed Computing (DISC 2008), pages 289-304, Arcachon, France, 2008.
    C4 Seda Davtyan, Sotiris Kentros, Aggelos Kiayias, Laurent Michel, Nicolas Nicolaou, Alexander Russell, Andrew See, Narasimha Shashidhar, and Alexander A. Shvartsman: Pre-Election Testing and Post-Election Audit of Optical Scan Voting Terminal Memory Cards, in Proceedings of the 2008 USENIX/ACCURATE Electronic Voting Technology Workshop (EVT '08), July 28–29, San Jose, 2008.
    C3 K.M. Konwar, P.M. Musial, N.C. Nicolaou, and A.A. Shvartsman: Implementing Atomic Data through Indirect Learning in Dynamic Networks. In Proceedings of 6th IEEE International Symposium on Network Computing and Applications (IEEE NCA 2007), pages 223-230, 2007.
    C2 Nicolas C. Nicolaou, Andrew G. See, Peng Xie, Jun Hong Cui, and Dario Maggiorini, Improving the Robustness of Location-Based Routing for Underwater Sensor Networks. In Proceedings of IEEE OCEANS 2007, pages 1-6, 2007.
    C1 Chryssis Georgiou, Nicolas C. Nicolaou, Alexander A. Shvasrtsman, Fault-Tolerant SemiFast Implementations of Atomic Read/Write Registers. In Proceedings of the 18th annual ACM symposium on Parallelism in Algorithms and Architectures (SPAA 2006), pages 281-290, 2006.

    Refereed Short Papers:
    B3 S. Kentros, A. Kiayias, N. Nicolaou and A. A. Shvartsman, At-Most-Once Semantics in Asynchronous Shared Memory, in Proceedings of the 21st Annual Symposium on Parallelism in Algorithms and Architectures (SPAA09), pages 43-44, Calgary, Canada, 2009.
    B2 Chryssis Georgiou, Nicolas C. Nicolaou, Alexander A. Shvasrtsman, On the Robustness of (Semi) Fast Quorum-Based Implementations of Atomic Shared Memory, In Proceedings of the 27th ACM SIGACT-SIGOPS Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing (PODC 2008), pages 425-425, 2008.
    B1 Chryssis Georgiou, Nicolas C. Nicolaou, Alexander A. Shvasrtsman, Brief Announcement: Fault-Tolerant SemiFast Implementations of Atomic Read/Write Registers. In Proceedings of the 20th International Symposium on Distributed Computing (DISC 2006), pages 537-539, 2006.

    Technical Reports, Thesis and Other:
    O3 Nicolas C. Nicolaou, Trade-Offs in Implementing Consistent Distributed Storage, Ph.D. Dissertation, University Of Connecticut, May 2011.
    O2 Kishori K. Konwar, Piotr Musial, Nicolas C. Nicolaou, Alexander A. Shvasrtsman, Using Indirect Learning to Improve Operation Liveness of a Consistent Data Service for Dynamic Networks, Technical Report MIT-CSAIL-TR-2006-070, MIT CSAIL, October 2006.
    O1 Nicolas Nicolaou, Robot as a Museum Guide, BS Thesis, University Of Cyprus, June 2003.

Last Updated: April, 2012