CS Other Presentations
Department of Computer Science - University of Cyprus
Besides Colloquiums, the Department of Computer Science at the University of Cyprus also holds Other Presentations (Research Seminars, PhD Defenses, Short Term Courses, Demonstrations, etc.). These presentations are given by scientists who aim to present preliminary results of their research work and/or other technical material. Other Presentations serve as a forum for educating Computer Science students and related announcements are disseminated to the Department of Computer Science (i.e., the csall list):
RSS DirectionsPresentations Coordinator: Demetris Zeinalipour
Presentation: Building Robust Enterprise Data Centers, Mr. Michele Mazzucco (University of Newcastle, UK), Monday, March 16th, 2009, 15:00 - 16:00 EET.
The Department of Computer Science at the University of Cyprus cordially invites you to the Presentation entitled:
Building Robust Enterprise Data Centers
Speaker: Mr. Michele Mazzucco |
As IT systems are becoming more important everyday, one of the main concerns is that users may face major breakdowns and eventually incur major costs if computing systems do not meet the expected performance requirements. Even with the adoption of data centers as the hub of IT organizations and provider of business efficiencies the problems are not over because it is extremely difficult for service providers to meet the promised performance guarantees in spite of unpredictable user demand. One possible approach is the adoption of Service Level Agreements (SLAs), contracts that specify a level of performance that must be met and remedies in case of failure.
In this talk I will address some of the performance problems arising when IT companies sell the service of running 'jobs' subject to Quality of Service (QoS) constraints. QoS issues can be addressed from several perspectives, such as an engineering point of view (i.e., how to provide a service subject to performance constraints) or a semantic one (i.e., how to dynamically discover or select service with tight performance needs, or how to negotiate QoS requirements at run time). Here I will focus on the former one. First, I will define the problem in terms of an utility function to maximize, then I will present dynamic allocation and admission policies for enterprise data centers as well as an autonomic architecture for service provisioning.
Short Bio:
Michele Mazzucco received is BSc and MSc from University of Bologna (Italy) in 2003 and 2005 respectively. From 2006 to 2008 he worked as a Research Associate at the Newcastle University (UK) on a BT founded project. He is completing his PhD under the supervision of Prof. Isi Mitrani with a thesis focused on the design of adaptive service provisioning systems (part of the thesis is subject to an European Union patent application). Since March 2008 he is one of the committers at the Apache Software Foundation.
Other Presentations Web: https://www.cs.ucy.ac.cy/colloquium/presentations.php | |
Colloquia Web: https://www.cs.ucy.ac.cy/colloquium/ | |
Calendar: http://testing.in.cs.ucy.ac.cy/louispap/XCS-3.0/schedule/cs.ucy.pres.2009.mazzucco.ics |