CS Other Presentations

Department of Computer Science - University of Cyprus

Besides Colloquiums, the Department of Computer Science at the University of Cyprus also holds Other Presentations (Research Seminars, PhD Defenses, Short Term Courses, Demonstrations, etc.). These presentations are given by scientists who aim to present preliminary results of their research work and/or other technical material. Other Presentations serve as a forum for educating Computer Science students and related announcements are disseminated to the Department of Computer Science (i.e., the csall list):
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Presentations Coordinator: Demetris Zeinalipour

PhD Defense: Clustering Attributed Multi-Graphs, Mr. Andreas Papadopoulos (University of Cyprus, Cyprus), Thursday, April 27, 2017, 10:00-11:00 EET.

The Department of Computer Science at the University of Cyprus cordially invites you to the PhD Defense entitled:

Clustering Attributed Multi-Graphs

Speaker: Mr. Andreas Papadopoulos
Affiliation: University of Cyprus, Cyprus
Category: PhD Defense
Location: Room 148, Faculty of Pure and Applied Sciences (FST-01), 1 University Avenue, 2109 Nicosia, Cyprus (directions)
Date: Thursday, April 27, 2017
Time: 10:00-11:00 EET
Host: George Pallis (gpallis-AT-cs.ucy.ac.cy)
URL: https://www.cs.ucy.ac.cy/colloquium/presentations.php?speaker=cs.ucy.pres.2017.papadopoulos

An attributed multigraph is a structure that efficiently represents real world networks. In an attributed multigraph, a vertex represents an object and is characterized by some attributes corresponding to the object's properties. Multiple typed edges capture the objects' relationships. In real world networks each object’s property, i.e. attribute and edge-type, contains different information, and may be irrelevant to the clustering task. In this thesis, we propose a collection of novel methods to detect clusters in an attributed multigraph. We construct unified similarity or distance functions that efficiently combine the various vertex properties. We additionally design weighting mechanisms to identify the importance of each vertex property. Proposed clustering methods use these mechanisms to handle properly the different importance of the object properties. The result is the improvement of clustering quality in terms of various evaluation measures. Moreover, we present a clustering-based recommender system to offer reliable, evidence-based recommendations to European organizations. To do so, we cluster the network of all organizations that participated to projects funded by the European Union. Organization and researchers can use our system to establish new collaborations.

Short Bio:
Andreas Papadopoulos graduated with honors from the technical school of University of Thessaly with a MSc degree in Computer Science from the Computer and Communication Engineering Department. He also received his BSc degree in Computer and Telecommunication Engineering from the same department. After returning to Cyprus, he joined the Laboratory for Internet Computing (LiNC) as a Special Scientist and he was involved with several EU funded projects. His research interests include Cloud computing, online social networking, information retrieval, data management and graph clustering. He worked as a Teaching Assistant at the University of Cyprus. He is currently working for an international company as Senior Software Developer. He is also pursuing a PhD degree at the University of Cyprus.

  Other Presentations Web: https://www.cs.ucy.ac.cy/colloquium/presentations.php
  Colloquia Web: https://www.cs.ucy.ac.cy/colloquium/
  Calendar: https://www.cs.ucy.ac.cy/colloquium/schedule/cs.ucy.pres.2017.papadopoulos.ics