CS Other Presentations

Department of Computer Science - University of Cyprus

Besides Colloquiums, the Department of Computer Science at the University of Cyprus also holds Other Presentations (Research Seminars, PhD Defenses, Short Term Courses, Demonstrations, etc.). These presentations are given by scientists who aim to present preliminary results of their research work and/or other technical material. Other Presentations serve as a forum for educating Computer Science students and related announcements are disseminated to the Department of Computer Science (i.e., the csall list):
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Presentations Coordinator: Demetris Zeinalipour

PhD Defense: Improving the Performance of Single and Multi-Application Workloads on Heterogeneous Clustered Many-Core Platforms, Mr. Panayiotis Petrides (University of Cyprus, Cyprus), Friday, May 4, 2018, 09:00-10:00 EET.

The Department of Computer Science at the University of Cyprus cordially invites you to the PhD Defense entitled:

Improving the Performance of Single and Multi-Application Workloads on Heterogeneous Clustered Many-Core Platforms

Speaker: Mr. Panayiotis Petrides
Affiliation: University of Cyprus, Cyprus
Category: PhD Defense
Location: Room 148, Faculty of Pure and Applied Sciences (FST-01), 1 University Avenue, 2109 Nicosia, Cyprus (directions)
Date: Friday, May 4, 2018
Time: 09:00-10:00 EET
Host: Prof. Constantinos Pattichis (pattichi-AT-cs.ucy.ac.cy)
URL: https://www.cs.ucy.ac.cy/colloquium/presentations.php?speaker=cs.ucy.pres.2018.petrides

In recent years processor architectures have evolved towards chips with multiple cores delivering the expected performance while avoiding the power wall. These cores may be of different characteristics and grouped in clusters as to satisfy different requirements. The benefits of such architectures come also with challenges for exploiting the performance for single and multi-application workloads. This work focuses on specific topics of clustered many-core architectures: (1) improving single application performance, (2) providing performance isolation and (3) dynamic scheduling tasks of multiple applications on a heterogeneous many-core architecture. For single application performance, a Decision Support System (DSS) workloads was ported to a clustered many-core architecture which included a shared on-chip memory module that was used as a prefetching buffer. For performance isolation, a simple and non-intrusive approach using virtualization was proposed to avoid the interference between the different applications. Finally, future large-scale many-core processors are expected to be organized as a collection of NUMA clusters of heterogeneous cores. In order to satisfy the dynamic behavior of different applications, a runtime system (monitor and scheduler), is proposed. This system is responsible for finding a best matching resource for an application at a certain execution phase. The evaluation of the different techniques on both real and simulated systems show considerable performance benefits. Overall, given the increasingly complexity and diversity of the hardware resources, future heterogeneous many-core processors may include a virtualization layer which can be composed of all of the proposed and even more techniques in a modular way, transparent to the user.

Short Bio:
Panayiotis Petrides is a Ph.D. candidate at the Department of Computer Science under the supervision of Assoc. Prof. Pedro Trancoso. He holds a BSc degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the National Technical University of Athens. He assisted in teaching classes such as Computer Architecture and Parallel Processing. He has attended several international conferences for presenting his published research work and has advanced knowledge of various parallel programming languages and tools. His research interests include Computer Architecture, Many-core designs, Parallel Programming and Runtime systems for High Performance Computing.

  Other Presentations Web: https://www.cs.ucy.ac.cy/colloquium/presentations.php
  Colloquia Web: https://www.cs.ucy.ac.cy/colloquium/
  Calendar: https://www.cs.ucy.ac.cy/colloquium/schedule/cs.ucy.pres.2018.petrides.ics