EPL650 / MAI 650 Internet of Things

Spring Semester 2024/25

Course Objectives and Content

Objectives: The internet of things (IoT) is a computing concept that describes the idea of everyday physical objects being connected to the internet and being able to identify themselves to other devices. IoT has emerged as a new paradigm aimed at providing solutions for integration, communication, data consumption, and analysis of smart devices. To this end, connectivity, interoperability, and integration are inevitable parts of IoT communication systems. Whereas IoT, due to its highly distributed and heterogeneous nature, is comprised of many different components and aspects, providing solutions to integrate this environment and hide its complexity from the user side is inevitable. In this course, different building blocks of IoT, such as sensors and smart devices, M2M communication, data collection and processing and the role of humans in future IoT scenarios are elaborated upon and investigated. The major focus will be to provide an overview on IoT tools and applications and to introduce hands-on IoT communication concepts through lab exercises.

Content: Upon completion of this course, the student should be able to: (1) Explain the definition and usage of the term “Internet of Things” in different contexts; (2) Understand and describe the key components that make up an IoT system; (3) Apply the knowledge and skills acquired during the course to build and test a complete, working IoT system involving prototyping, programming and data analysis; (4) Independently research the technological trends which have led to IoT; (5) Understand where the IoT concept fits within the broader ICT industry and recognize possible future trends; (6) Valuate the impact of IoT on society by analyzing IoT systems with regard to sustainability, safety, integrity and ethics; (7) Appreciate the role of big data, cloud computing and data analytics in a typical IoT system.

Course Information

Associate Professor. Vasos Vassiliou
ΘΕΕ01, Β114
<first name dot last name>@ucy.ac.cy

Time and Place of Lectures:
Wednesday, 18:00-21:00,
ΘΕΕ01, 146

Time and Place of Tutorial Sessions:
Wednesday, 21:00-22:00,
ΘΕΕ01, 146

Office Hours:
Wednesday, 12:00-13:00,

Laboratory Instructor:
Dr. Iacovos Ioannou

Laboratory Session:
Friday, 19:00-20:30, ΘΕΕ01, 201

Code of Honour

Students are expected to follow the University's Regulations and Code of Conduct. Ethical and honest behavior is expected throughout the semester. All cases of suspicious behavior will be referred to the Department and the Department of Studies and Student Welfare. Copying or attempting to copy between students in exams or assignments is strictly prohibited. Any attempted or verified breach of the rules will result in the expulsion of the involved students from the class, the zeroing of their grade in the said exams or assignments and their referral to the Department Council for the application of further disciplinary rules.

Teaching Methods

  • Interactive face-to-face lectures
  • Group activities/discussions
  • In class/lab activities;
  • Guest Lectures or significant recorded public lectures


A basic understanding of Communications and Networks is expected.


  • Internet of Things: A Hands-On Approach, by Arshdeep Bahga and Vijay Madisetti, 2016
  • Internet of Things (IoT): Architectures, Protocols and Standards, by Simone Cirani, Gianluigi Ferrari, Marco Picone, and Luca Veltri, Wiley 2018
  • IoT and Edge Computing for Architects – Second Edition" by Perry Lea, O’Reilly, 2020

Evaluation Criteria

  • 30% Assignments/Projects
  • 20% MidTerm Exam
  • 50% Final Exam

Lecture Slides and Laboratory Material for the course will be available only though the UCY Blackboard page for the course, under the Content Section.