Teaching and Learning


A video game can teach and improve the learning skills of the player, allowing them to take active roles by exploring, operating, or interacting. Iteration and discovery become two major aspects of teaching and learning through a game playing experience


# Guideline Description Example Example reference Applied to Readistance
1 Thematic concepts are relevant to the objectives of children’s education The thematic concepts are relevant to the objectives of children's education guideline suggests that designers should design games or products in a way that includes thematic concepts or themes that are relevant to the educational objectives or goals of children. This can involve incorporating subject matter or content from a variety of disciplines, such as science, math, history, or language arts, into the game or product. By including thematic concepts that are relevant to children's education, designers can create a more meaningful and engaging learning experience for children, and can help to support and enhance the learning goals of the game or product. It is important to consider the specific goals and objectives of the game or product, as well as the needs and abilities of the target audience, when designing the thematic concepts. By including thematic concepts that are relevant to children's education, designers can create a more effective and meaningful learning experience for children. no
2 Goals are related to an educational content The goals are related to an educational content guideline suggests that designers should design games or products in a way that links the goals or objectives of the game or product to educational content or subject matter. This can involve designing the game or product to teach specific concepts, skills, or knowledge, or by incorporating subject matter from a variety of disciplines into the game or product. By linking the goals of the game or product to educational content, designers can create a more meaningful and engaging learning experience for players, and can help to support and enhance the learning goals of the game or product. It is important to consider the specific goals and objectives of the game or product, as well as the needs and abilities of the target audience, when designing the goals and educational content. By linking the goals of the game or product to educational content, designers can create a more effective and meaningful learning experience for players. no
3 Game does not overshadow teacher’s presence The game does not overshadow teacher's presence guideline suggests that designers should design games or products in a way that does not distract from or undermine the role of the teacher in the learning process. This can involve designing the game or product to be used as a supplement to traditional teaching methods, rather than as a replacement, and ensuring that the game or product does not distract from the teacher's presence or instruction. By designing games or products in this way, designers can help to support the teacher's role in the learning process, and can create a more effective and meaningful learning experience for students. It is important to consider the specific goals and objectives of the game or product, as well as the needs and abilities of the target audience, when designing the game or product in relation to the teacher's presence. By designing games or products in a way that does not overshadow the teacher's presence, designers can create a more effective and meaningful learning experience for students. no
4 Game is used as a complementary tool for the child’s education The game is used as a complementary tool for the child's education guideline suggests that designers should design games or products in a way that they can be used to supplement and enhance traditional teaching methods, rather than replacing them. This can involve designing the game or product to be used in conjunction with other learning materials and resources, and ensuring that the game or product is used in a way that supports and enhances the learning goals of the child. By designing games or products in this way, designers can create a more effective and meaningful learning experience for children, and can help to support the overall educational goals of the game or product. It is important to consider the specific goals and objectives of the game or product, as well as the needs and abilities of the target audience, when designing the game or product as a complementary tool for the child's education. By designing games or products in a way that they can be used as a complementary tool for the child's education, designers can create a more effective and meaningful learning experience for children. no