Digi-Sporting 4th Project Meeting

The European project Digi-Sporting: A new step towards digital transformation through sports science (2019-1-ES01-KA203-065505) held its fourth Translational Project Meeting, between all the partners. Due to the Corona-Virus world crisis, the …

Kick-off Meeting for our Erasmus+ project PIECIT

The European project PIECIT: “Inclusive practices of creative and innovative teaching with ICT/LKT in schools ofspecial difficulty“, held its Kick-Off Translational Project Meeting, with the physical presence of all the partners …

PIECIT Erasmus+ Project

PIECIT Prácticas inclusivas de enseñanza creativa e innovadora con TIC/TAC en escuelas de especial dificultad Start: 30-06-2021 End: 29-06-2023Project Reference: 2020-1-ES01-KA226-SCH-095780 Project Website:  http://ourinclusiveschools.eu/ SEIT Research Laboratory (Software Engineering and Internet Technologies Laboratory) …


The SEIT Lab, of the University of Cyprus participates in the WINDEXT project (“Advanced maintenance, lifetime extension and repowering of wind farms supported by advanced digital tools”), an Erasmus+ Key Action …

Tovid Kick-Off Meeting

The European project TOVID: “Teaching Online: Video Initiatives in Digital Education and Module Learning“, held its Kick-Off Translational Project Meeting online on the 16th of June, 2021. It was a very …


One step closer towards inclusive education and employment for disabled and disadvantaged people in martial arts! (PRIMAE) Participation and Recreation through Inclusive Martial Arts Education and E-learning seeks to revolutionise the …


The third newsletter of our Digi-Sporting Erasmus+ project is now published. You can check it out here: http://www.cs.ucy.ac.cy/seit/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/DIGI-SPORTING-3rd-NL.html

Newsletter Erasmus+ Project “ELSE”

ELSE Erasmus+ Project aims to design and disseminate a strategy and appropriate ICT tools to achieve the fundamental European goal of redesigning Higher Education, facilitating the application of Bologna principles across Europe. …

Erasmus+ Project ELSE “e-Dash” Evaluation

The “eDash” tool is now up and running and as such we are currently evaluating our tool. Would you like to participate in this evaluation? If yes, please see the video(click …

Designing, Delivering and Evaluating Online Study-Units Course

The SEIT lab team in collaboration with the Center for Teaching and Learning is offering the course “Designing, Delivering and Evaluating Online Study-Units” to university academic and teaching staff of the …

Erasmus+ Project ELSE Extended!

Due to the COVID19 pandemic our Erasmus+ project “ELSE – ECO/LOGICAL LEARNING AND SIMULATION ENVIRONMENTS IN HIGHER EDUCATION”, has received an extension until the 2nd of July 2021. During the extension, …

FARM Erasmus+ Project

Fostering Agriculture Rural Development and Land Management Start: 01-11-2020End: 31-12-2022 Project Website:  https://www.hs-harz.de/forschung/ausgewaehlte-forschungsprojekte/farm SEIT Research Laboratory (Software Engineering and Internet Technologies Laboratory) of the Computer Science department of the University of Cyprus participates …

Digi-Sporting Third Project Meeting

The European project Digi-Sporting: A new step towards digital transformation through sports science (2019-1-ES01-KA203-065505) held its thirdTranslational Project Meeting, between all the partners. Due to the Corona-Virus world crisis, the meeting …

ALIVE Erasmus+ project (Make Biology Fun with Virtual Reality)

The SEIT Research Laboratory (Software Engineering and Internet Technologies Laboratory) of the Computer Science department of the University of Cyprus participates in “ALIVE: Make Biology Fun with Virtual Reality” Erasmus+ project. The …