Kick-off Meeting for our Erasmus+ project PIECIT

The European project PIECIT: “Inclusive practices of creative and innovative teaching with ICT/LKT in schools ofspecial difficulty“, held its Kick-Off Translational Project Meeting, with the physical presence of all the partners …

PIECIT Erasmus+ Project

PIECIT Prácticas inclusivas de enseñanza creativa e innovadora con TIC/TAC en escuelas de especial dificultad Start: 30-06-2021 End: 29-06-2023Project Reference: 2020-1-ES01-KA226-SCH-095780 Project Website: SEIT Research Laboratory (Software Engineering and Internet Technologies Laboratory) …

GUIDed Presentation at Assistive Technologies for Older Adults workshop

Our GUIDed project partners Materia Group presented the project at the collaborative workshop organized on June 4th, by the IOANNA, ReMember-Me and iCan AAL funded projects titled “Assistive Technologies for Older …


The SEIT Lab, of the University of Cyprus participates in the WINDEXT project (“Advanced maintenance, lifetime extension and repowering of wind farms supported by advanced digital tools”), an Erasmus+ Key Action …

Tovid Kick-Off Meeting

The European project TOVID: “Teaching Online: Video Initiatives in Digital Education and Module Learning“, held its Kick-Off Translational Project Meeting online on the 16th of June, 2021. It was a very …

What is dementia – eSticky project

What are we without memory? It is possible to face daily challenges by forgetting who we are or the name of the objects that surround us. Memory is a territory still …

Invitation to the ELSE Multiplier Online Event

Now that our ELSE project is approaching completion, we would like to disseminate our results and present our Intellectual Outputs to Universities and Schools! Due to the COVID19 pandemic, the ELSE …

Best Paper Award in I4CS 2021 for our GUIDed Paper!

Our paper “GUIDed: Assisted – Living Smart Platform and Social Communication for Older Adults”, that was accepted for publication at the 15th International Conference on International Conference on Innovations for Community …

CompLicy: Evaluating the GDPR Alignment of Privacy Policies – A Study on Web Platforms

Our paper CompLicy: Evaluating the GDPR Alignment of Privacy Policies – A Study on Web Platforms, was accepted for publication at the 15th International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science …

DIG-IT: Digital Education Initiatives and Timely Solutions

Our paper DIG-IT: Digital Education Initiatives and Timely Solutions, was accepted for publication at the 15th International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science (RCIS 2021) and was presented by Evangelia …

Technologies for Digital Entrepreneurship Education of Adult Learners–CHAT2LEARN

Our paper CHATBOT Technologies for Digital Entrepreneurship Education of Adult Learners-CHAT2LEARN, was accepted for publication at the 15th International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science (RCIS 2021) and was presented …

Living Through Touch Symposium – Smart, Haptic Communication for Inclusion, Accessibility, and Participation – eSticky project

Communications and technology influence each other. When health problems arise, devices equipped with artificial intelligence can help the psychophysical improvement of subjects. Many studies are oriented towards the development of user …


One step closer towards inclusive education and employment for disabled and disadvantaged people in martial arts! (PRIMAE) Participation and Recreation through Inclusive Martial Arts Education and E-learning seeks to revolutionise the …

Positive results from the validation of the EASIER Platform!

For the validation (pilot trials) of the final release of the EASIER project, a trial with external end users has been carried out. An online webinar was organized on December 17th, …