Rss, get all your news in one place


RSS also known as really simple syndication is a technology that allows the collection of feeds in one place. It was really popular in the older times of the web and many consider it dead, don't be fooled however as it is still alive and kicking.

Rss is a file that a website hosts, you can copy the url of that file (usually named something like rss.xml or atom.rss) and put it into your favourite rss reader. From then on you can read the latest piece of news or latest blog of that site in one place, your rss viewer.

Rss has been described by some as a tool that liberates you from the stress of social media and news sites. All the algorithms that are used to manipulate you on social media will have no effect on you, as rss only gives you the latest news and you will rarely find yourself wasting 3 hours like on youtube. There are no ads, all your feeds are in one place, you have more freedom and flexibility, it's not spyware(as long as you are using a good rss reader) and it's really useful if you are following many blogs. Shameless plug: I just added rss to my blog as well so subscribe to it.

Here's how you can subscribe to youtube channels via rss:

Replace channel_id with your favourite youtuber's channel id.
For reddit take a subreddit and append .rss in the end:

For github you can have your feed, realeases of some software as well as a repo's commits, all as rss. There's also Rss bridge which is a piece of software that offers rss for websites than don't.

The rss reader I use is newsboat which is terminal based and I would highly recommend it, many people have praised it and so do I. Other rss readers I heard of are Tiny tiny rss, NewsFlash, winds, RSSOwl and tickr.

Now that you know what rss is go subscribe to a few blogs. Here are some recommendations:

Enjoy :)
