Create a website


In the current year of 2021 most people only visit a select few number of websites, like facebook, twitter, medium, youtube and a few more. The primary reason for that might actually also be because most content creators flock to those platforms. Which is bad because then all these sites gain way too much power, being able to easily silence and censor opposing voices without repercussions. That's why we need to create our own sites like I did with this one, though still not fully independent I'm way better off than somebody having their blog on facebook.

All computer science students of my university have the ability to build their own little site. I have not heard of a single student that did so, even I only created this site at the 3rd year of my studies. Big mistake I should have done so sooner. Every person, especially if that person has something to say (everybody does) should have their own website. You could express your anti-vax, anti-semite, anti-fascist, anti-capitalism, anti-whatever opinions without getting cancelled or censored. Of course that still depends on your host service but censorship from a host service is way rarer. A website also makes you stand out among the crowd so you might have an advantage when applying for a job. That was my initial reason for this site, just a place to showcase my projects and skills. You can use your site for experiments you want to run or for things you want to test.

The most popular way to host a site is by renting a VPS which you might think is expensive but is usually not. I believe you could be paying as low as $5 or $3 per month. Other options include self hosting where you either have a dedicated computer at home running your site or a NAS which is similar. Another option is github pages, netlify, or different tildes on the tildeverse. I believe there are plenty of free hosting services for static sites like the previous 3. Github pages and netlify basically can host static sites for free. Tildes are something similar to what my uni has. Basically you request an account and then you can get a site at that [tilde's url]/~your-username. However these don't allow webapps that have a server. Lastly you'll need a domain name which can be pretty cheap as well.

Now about the technology you use, it's totally up to you. I believe plain html and css sites are the best as they take very little space and don't compromise your privacy as much as bloated javascript messes do. Just inspect element this site copy everything and start customizing I say.


Html is the structure of your site. Here are some elements


Css is the styling of your site. You have selectors for which elemnts you want to affect and then their styling. Here are some useful styling options

Simple sites I enjoy
