Is the safepass a sign of totalitarianism?


24/09/2022 Edit: Thankfully things have smoothed out. No safepass needed not even masks are required. God bless. I hope nothing similar plays out again. We'll have to wait until winter and see.

I'm not going to be discussing whether covid is fake or not or whether the vaccines are evil, this is purely about the safepass and other mandates that remind of totalitarian rule.

After about half a year to a year the safepass has now become a standard in my country. To go anywhere, a restaurant a super market or school you need a safepass, either you need a rapid test from the last 24 hours, a covid recovery certificate from the last 3 months or 3 jabs (maybe 4 or more if you are from the future). Almost everyone I know seems to be complacent, in fact I had the same attitude even though I was concerned about my privacy. Recently however I have changed my opinion a bit and after a bit of research I have concluded that the safepass and similar systems are totalitarian and evil in nature.

Firstly even at the begining I was a tad sceptical because we are using non free and open source applications to scan our safepass, how do I know that the system doesn't track the location of the scanned subjects and people with which they are associating. Whoever is in possession of the database of the safepass scanning system could pretty reliably build a map of all the habits, behaviours, social circles and consequently beliefs of any person with a safepass. So virtually the whole population of my country since living without a safepass is practically impossible. Honestly the fact that to go anywhere outside your house you need to get your qr code scanned sounds absolutely dystopian. Sweden even got microchips. This coupled with the famous prophecy by St. Paisios that there will be a vaccine without which we won't be able to buy or sell really makes you feel like this is a preparation for the end.

So how did we end up here? There was a pandemic, lockdowns went into action (where you were more free than right now as you could go to supermarkets without having anything scanned), then rapid tests got introduced and some places required tests from max 72 hours ago without a qr code though, just a piece of paper would suffice, then the safepass appeared but not many scanned it, then scanning got enforced, then 1 dose became 2, then rapid test validity shrunk to 48 hours, then to 24 hours, then 2 doses became 3, then covid natural immunity shrunk from 6 months to 3, at some point everybody vaccinated or with natural immunity or with nothing had to be tested and now 3 doses are close to becoming 4(not totally accurate as I'm reciting from memory), EDIT: for some places rapid test validity shrunk to 15 hours, you can't make this up. Usually when the higher ups want something radical that would usually shock the world they move in small steps because if they went from 0 to 100 everybody would be shocked and would protest, like the boiling frog that never jumps out of the pan because the temperature is raised so slowly that it doesn't notice it's being boiled alive.

Another aspect of totalitarian regimes is fear. In the classical book 1984 which is extremely relevant to today there are 3 super states which are in constant war, the war's only purpose however is to spread fear to its citizens so that they will surrender their freedom to the government for protection. There are immediate parallels to today, fear mongering is as rampant as ever since 2 years ago, everybody thinks they'll die and so when the government tramples on our freedoms in the name of "protection" we say nothing. In fact they go as far as to say that mass surveillance and tyrannical mandates are for our freedom. I have close friends that would see I was refusing to follow some mandates or at least not put myself in the situation that would require me to follow them and would be scared that I would die. Though I am extremely grateful that they worry about me even if I don't show it sometimes, this shows how effective the psychological warfare the media uses is.

The totalitarian state needs absolute obedience, however change is unavoidable so the state posts unquestionable "truths" that change almost every day (Paraphrased George Orwell quote). This is also true today. You have to trust the experts, if you don't you are stupid, dangerous and irrational. This article says that doing your own research and critical thinking is harmful. I have also heard of things like global leaders saying at the beginning that lockdowns, mandates, vax passes or forced vaccinations would never be put in place. Clearly that's not the case right now. There were claims like "If people don't get the vaccines willfully we will be forced to force them to get them" while at the same time saying "We would never, ever, ever force people to get the vaccines against their will". Or "Natural immunity does not exist" and "Natural immunity is more effective than vaccine immunity". I once met a doctor that was pretty high up in a hospital here and she told me how the media would lie about the number of patients with covid in the hospital. She said that there were 2 to 3 people and the media would say 100. Obviously I can't confirm how true this is but I would trust her more that I do the news. Additionally covid censorship on major platforms is brutal. Fact checkers censor people left and right when many times they themselves are in the wrong. In totalitarianism truth = lies and 2 + 2 = 5

Edit 22/03/2022: A piece of news came out today where you can see the media blatantly lying. As an opportunity I started collecting similar lying articles.

Brainwashing the youth with compulsory schooling. Totalitarian measure indeed. Here going to school is compulsory until the age of 15, if not, parents are either thrown into jail or fined or both. In fact when parents protested by not taking their kids to school due to the fact that constant rapid tests became required, the government threatened them with the above law. I really feel sorry for the children that are growing up right now. I can't imagine how messed up things will be in the future.

Next on the list is self regulation and the employment of citizens as the regulators. Most people cannot differentiate between legality and morality they would mark people that go against the flow as criminals and will start to hate them. This effect gets multiplied when the media also targets these people and praises the conformists. The blindly obedient don't allow others to disobey but drag them down with them. Tyrannical measures against disobedient by the government get rationalized by the obedient because they tend to believe that the disobedient deserve what they got and they further devalue and demonize them. I'm sure you have met plenty of people trying to convince you to trust the government follow measures and then they curse you when you don't. Heck I was one of those at the very beginning (shame on me). Courage is the virtue we should be looking for. Courage to stand for our beliefs and ideas, to speak against the status quo and to strive for a better future. Thankfully the recent Freedom Convoy was exactly this and as a result we saw how much Trudeau resembles a dictator.

Politicians and leaders when they get something they want they will rarely let go. I honestly don't believe that there was any point in the past 2 years where politicians let go. Maybe when lockdowns got lifted but then after a few months we have a much worse situation, one were not having a valid qr code could mean no way to live except for maybe prison where the food is free and there's no rent. As for the people we got a few protests here and there so it's nice to see that not everybody is asleep. However there are no results. We need to show that we won't stand for tyranny. Why have our ancestors fought for freedom? Will we end up as slaves to our own government? Even though brave heroes before us fought against our oppressors and defeated them many times whilst being at a disadvantage
