Xilinx Test Bench Code Generator

Enter inputs in the order you need them separated by space and if the input is a bus write it in the format BusName(#:#) ex: A(31:0).

If you enter inputs that sum up to 15 bits or more get ready for some delay

You can limit the amount of lines of code that gets generated with the Limit input (highly advised for inputs that sum up to 15 bits or more). -1 means there's no limit.

First x lines does exactly what is says. It only generates the first x lines

Lines spread out evenly means that the lines returned if they had been generated without a limit would have been spread out through the whole code evenly. ex: A(9:0) = 1024 lines of code, limit 10, spread out means that the lines generated are the lines: 0, 10, 20, 30 ..., 1000.

Inputs: Limit: Limit method: