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International Masters Programme in Computational Logic at the Dresden University of Technology


International Masters Programme in Computational Logic at the Dresden University of Technology

Commencing in the winter semester 1997/98 the Department of Computer Science at the Dresden University of Technology is offering an international Masters programme in Computational Logic. The programme is supported by the German Federal Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Technology (BMBF).

In this Masters programme, which has been developed in close cooperation with CompulogNet students can earn the German degree "Diplom-Informatikerin" or "Diplom-Informatiker" and the international degree "Master of Computer Science" within two years. Entrance requirements are a Bachelor's degree in computer science or an equivalent qualification. For example, in Germany, this could be a Vordiplom in Informatik along with two additional successfully completed semesters in the main field of study. The teaching, working and examination language is English. Students are taught by leading experts in the field of Computational Logic and at least one semester is to be spent abroad. Based on a solid background in mathematical logic and its subfields - as normally taught in computer science and artificial intelligence courses - a student in the international Masters programme will learn the engineering aspects of computational logic: how does a deductive system operate, what kind of logic-based grammar can be used to process natural language, how can techniques for the verification of software and hardware be applied in industry, what kind of implementation techniques are needed for logic based systems, how to apply formal methods for the layout of blueprints for machines and processes, what problems are faced in such applications, what formal methods are required for computer integrated manufacturing?

The complexity of today's software and hardware systems has reached such a high level that there is an urgent demand for formal methods to manage these systems. Industry is actively searching for professionals in this field and frequently the recruited experts are mathematicians with some background in computer science. On the other hand the applied formal methods are based on concepts originally developed within the area of theoretical computer science. In the meantime, however, the scope and applicability of these concepts has broadened and has become more universal. For these applications to be successful, special expertice is required which can be provided by a specialized course. It is the aim of the international Masters programme in Computational Logic to provide this knowledge and is therefore an excellent starting point for a scientific or an industrial career.

In October the first course did start with 12 students from Germany, Korea, Mongolia, Peru and the USA. In the current semester there will be given foundation lectures on Computational Logic and Logic and Constraint Programming and advanced lectures on Cognitive Robotics, Attribute Grammars, Interactive Theorem Proving, Deductive Databases and Description Logics. The lectures on Deductive Databases will be given by guest professor Dr. Andrei Voronkov (Uppsala University, Sweden) and the lectures on Description Logics by guest lecturer Dr. Enrico Franconi (IRST, Italy).

Structure of the course

The course begins in the winter semester (October). Course duration is four semesters. One semester is to be studied at a university abroad.

The teaching and working language is English.

Lectures (including tutorials) take place in the first three semesters. They amount to a total of 60 lecture sessions (45 min) or 90 ECTS-points (credit points; abbreviated cr). In Germany it is normal for a lecture to cover two 45 min sessions. Teaching is divided into essential foundation units and advanced units (from which students may choose). The foundation units include lectures on: Introduction to Computational Logic; Foundations of Logic and Constraint Programming; Advanced Logic; Deduction Systems. The advanced lectures range from Constructive Type Theory over Planning and Action to Computational Logic for Business and Industrial Applications.

Formal Requirements

Applicants for the International Masters Programme in Computational Logic should fulfil the following requirements:

- Proof of knowledge of the English language by an IELTS or equivalent certificate. Native english speakers are exempt from this requirement.

- Bachelor's degree in computer science or an equivalent qualification. For example, in Germany, the requirement would be satisfied by a Vordiplom in Informatik along with two additional successfully completed semesters in the main field of study.

- A certificate of extensive knowledge in the following areas is required with a grade equivalent to "good" or "very good";

- Foundations of Mathematical Logic

- Foundations of Artificial Intelligence and

- Programming in Prolog.

Application and Enrolment

The tuition fee for the course is waved.

Students will be registered at the Dresden University of Technology. The fulfilment of the entrance requirements will be checked by the examining board responsible for the course.

Application forms can be found in the www under http://pikas.inf.tu-dresden.de/compulog/application/ or they can be requested under the contact address shown below.


In case of any questions please contact us!

Steffen Holldobler

Artificial Intelligence Institute

Department of Computer Science

Dresden University of Technology

D-01062 Dresden

phone: 0351-463-8340

fax: 0351-463-8342

email: sh@inf.tu-dresden.de


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