CLN Strategic
Planning Workshop Rome,
June 20-21, 1997
David Pearce
Luigina Aiello, Krzysztof Apt, Philippe
Codognet, Tony Cohn,
Danny De Schreye, Alan Frisch, Manuel
Hermenegildo, Tony Kakas,
Bob Kowalski, Nada Lavrac, David
Pearce, Luis Moniz Pereira, Norman Sadeh,
Domenico Sacca, Joerg Siekmann, Thomas Sjoland, Clive Spenser
Friday, June 20
14.30-16.15 Session 1: Analysis and
The failures and successes of logic
programming (Chair: L. Aiello)
What can computational logic learn from
the failures of logic programming? (Bob Kowalski)
What the logic programming community
should have been aware of in the past (Krzysztof Apt)
16.30-17.30 Session 2:
Self-assessment (Chair: N.Sadeh))
Models of R&TD assessment (David
Thoughts on supporting a market
analysis of computationa logi c (Jorg Siekmann)
Saturday, June 21
9.30-11.15 Session 3: The future of
computational logic (Chair: D.Pearce)
Central themes for the future of
computational logic (Tony Kakas)
Performance engineering in
computational logic (Danny De Schreye)
Grand challenges for "networking
architectures for massively
interconnected environments"
(Manuel Hermenegildo)
Developments and applications at SICS
(Thomas Sjoland)
Can LP exploit the successes of Java?
Brief remarks (Clive Spenser)
11.30-13.30 Session 4: Technological
Roadmap (Chair: R. Kowalski)
Roadmaps and Industrial assessment
techniques (Jorg Siekmann)
Background, Aims and Methods
In 1996 an EU-commisioned study
evaluating the concept of Networks of Excellence reported positively on NoEs, concluding
that they provide sound and cost-effective frameworks for coordinating R&D and related
activities between key industrial and academic players in a technological domain. As a
result of the study, however, NoEs are now being required to deliver technological
roadmaps for their discipline, which include the strategic long-term goals of the network
and criteria and methods of self-assessment. New networks now have to provide such
roadmaps as a precondition for their official launch. Older NoEs have to deliver roadmaps
during the course of their current contract. The aim of this workshop was to lay the
foundations for designing a technological roadmap for computational logic, which would
identify the long-term goals of Compulog Net and select suitable criteria and methods of
self-evaluation. Participants included members of the Executive Council of Compulog Net
and ALP President, Krzyszttof Apt.
In preparing the workshop, the
assumption was made that at least three key themes would have to be addressed in
preparation for designing a roadmap:
(i) an analysis of the past, in
particular with a view to learning from past mistakes;
(ii) the topic of technological
assessment, in particular, how to characterise the technology, assess its degree of
progressiveness, and evaluate its future market potential;
(iii) an analysis of technological
trends and grand challenges for the future.
Lastly, some time was also to be
devoted to the concept of technological roadmap and ways in which this noton might be
understood in the present context. One session of the workshop was accordingly devoted to
each of these three topics; the final one leading into a discussion of the computational
logic roadmap.
This report summarises the main points
on which substantial agreement and cohesion was achieved.
Learning from the past
Session 1, devoted to analysing the
past, featured presentations by Bob Kowalski and Krzysztof Apt. In addition, several
speakers in Session 3 also considered past achievements of the field.There was a consensus
that logic programming (LP) has enjoyed considerable success, but now needs to learn from
its mistakes. Speakers agreed that computational logic (CL) is more than just Prolog and
logic programming, but thought that LP-based technologies should continue to play a strong
role in the future development of CL. The main plea was that, rather than claim (as in the
past) to be developing a uniform language for all of computing, one should try to
indentify application areas and programming styles and environments where CL may be
competitive and to focus R&D on these. Particularly important are areas with low or
relatively low entry barriers.
It was also urged that today even
basic, or what is now called "long-term", research needs to be
applications-driven, otherwise there will be few prospects for funding in the future.
There was general agreement that an important task for the present is toanalyse and
promote successful applications of the technology; in particular, to determine what are
the appropriate criteria by which one may judge a given application to be successful and
to promote the technology by publicising its best and most striking success stories.
Standards and assessment
This needs naturally into the general
subject of standards and evaluation, treated in Session 2, and by several speakers and
discussants in Session 3, including Danny de Schreye and Manuel Hermenegildo. It was
agreed that standards are important in programming and in software engineering. These may
include eg. portability, maintainability, reliability and verifiability. Likewise, the
existence of good environments, modules, objects, types, etc, as well as good interfaces
to other languages, the internet and so forth are important. Good implementations are also
needed, eg with small executable size, scripts, concurrency, specialisation. However, it
was argued that logic programming has often been slow or deficient in some of these areas.
Moreover it was observed that there is a complete lack of studies in logic programming styles.
Besides the general recommendation to
improve software standards where needed, several specific actions were suggested by
different speakers. These included:
- Develop appropriate indicators and
measures (eg software metrics) for quality management.
- Characterise and evaluate
(constraint) logic programming as a technological research programme, in particular
evaluate its (past and present) progressiveness.
- Analyse the present market and
future market trends. What is the nature of the market? What is it worth? What percentage
of it do you want to capture?
Any of these issues might be tackled by
commissioning studies on the topic in question (though it was agreed that a professional
market analysis might be prohibitively expensive).
Technological roadmaps
Session 4 was devoted to the topic of
technological roadmaps in general and that of computational logic in particular. Once the
general concept of roadmap had been covered, the discussion returned to the earlier issue
of areas of opportunity for computational logic, ie suitable growth areas with high
potential and relatively low entry barriers. It was decided to use one such area as a
focus for building an initial roadmap.
Participants singled-out for further
study not an application area or vertical market in the usual sense, but
rather a particular environment: internet/intranet. The main assumptions here were
that CLP provides a good paradigm for internet and WWW programming, that this environment
is not yet technologically saturated, and that there are high potential rewards. The
question how LP might exploit the market successes of Java remains to be tackled.
Given the suggested focus on
internet/intranet programming, the next issues that arise concern (1) the nature of the
enabling technologies, (2) the specific fields of application. With respect to (1) it was
agreed that all the main subareas of computational logic, as currently highlighted within
the network's Research Area structure, could provide key technological inputs. One could
therefore consider the contributions of Logic and Databases, Logic and Learning,
Constraint-based approaches, Logic and Natural Language Processing, Parallelism,
Verification Methods, and so forth. For each of these one would lay down the main
technical challenges and milestones, viewed as enabling sub-technologies for the
internet/intranet environment. With respect to (2), it was argued that all the industrial
and commercial areas where CLP is currently successfully applied in a conventional
programming setting could be considered good potential areas for internet/intranet
programming. They include manufacturing, logistics, transportation, finance and banking,
medicine, telecommunications, design and fashion, and so on.
Summary and actions
Participants agreed that the network
should focus in the short to medium term on the following four aims:
- Try to give increase exposure to
successful (C)LP industrial applications - through the website, books, articles, events,
contests, etc.
- Look closer at the feasibility of
commissioning evaluation and technology assessment studies which might include also market
- Start to fill-in different paths on
the (Internet/intranet-oriented) technological roadmap.
- Review the above and continue this
exercise at a second strategic planning workshop to take place in the coming year. |