MAI622: AI Entrepreneurship


MAI622: AI Entrepreneurship - Assignments

Personal Assignments

Below you will find an indicative list of the course's compulsory assignments, with details about what is expected and how the assignments will be graded. More details and instructions will be provided in class and on the course's Blackboard. Each student is expected to undertake individually and independently a number of assignments, producing the deliverables described below:

Entry Survey

Personal Videos

Personal Ideas Journal

Reflection Reports on Seminars

Reflection Reports on Readings

Individual Primary Market Research (PMR) Report

Peer Evaluations

Group project

Students working in groups of 3-4 people are expected to come up with an entrepreneurial idea driven by AI technology with a strong exploitation potential and explore its transformation into a business venture or a social enterprise. The teams are required to apply the 24 steps of the Disciplined Entrepreneurship methodology, to develop a strong business and technology development plan and prepare a final oral presentation to seek funding (Venture Capital pitch), which will be submitted for participation to the Student Innovators Competition SINN (see the SINN 2022 announcement for more information). Much of the learning in MAI622 comes from the shared experience of all groups. To this end: In addition to mini slide decks for in-class presentations, each team will submit several consolidated assignments, with their specifications and requirements announced through Blackboard throughout the semester. These deliverables function as a chance to update earlier steps based on feedback, preparation for the final presentation/deliverable, and as opportunities to obtain further feedback. The Group project comprise several deliverables that will be announced throughout the semester, and will include:

Instructions and Advice


Group projects and their deliverables will be done by teams of students, where each team should have no less than three and no more than four participants. All team members will receive the same grade.Splitting or rearrangement of teams will not be accepted after the third week of classes, so make sure that you have in place from the beginning clear decision-making and conflict resolution processes.


Grading of writing assignments and presentations will be based on their clarity, reasoning, and depth, as described below:

Clarity (30 points) comes from clear writing, good structure, and meticulous editing of the text. The paper receives:

Reasoning (30 points) is based on good arguments, which are typically established upon specific phrases or passages that support the claims given. Therefore, it is expected that arguments are properly substantiated with accurate references. The paper receives: Depth (40 points) means that the text contains original ideas and observations, and succeeds in teaching its readers something new. The paper receives: