
  1. The most fundamental contribution of this project, the Stabilizing Binary Consensus algorithm, was published at the NETworked sYStems (NETYS) Comnference 2021 as:
    Chryssis Georgiou, Ioannis Marcoullis, Michel Raynal, Elad Michael Schiller, Loosely-self-stabilizing Byzantine-Tolerant Binary Consensus for Signature-Free Message-Passing Systems. NETYS 2021: 36-53
    The paper's presentation at NETYS 2021.
    A more extended version of the paper can be found on arXiv.
  2. The modules of the Self-Stabilizing Atomic Broadcast algorithm and of some non-stabilizing algorithms used as the basis of our implementation and experimental comparison were implemented, validated, experimentally compared and presented in the following students' Theses:
    1. Charalambous Andreas. Implementation, Validation and Experimental Evaluation of a Self-stabilizing Byzantine-Tolerant Multivalued Consensus Algorithm (Master’s Dissertation), July 2022
    2. Demetriou Constandinos. Implementation, Validation and Experimental Evaluation of a Self-stabilizing Randomized Byzantine-Tolerant Binary Consensus Algorithm (Master’s Dissertation), May 2022
    3. Evangelou Giorgos. Implementation, Validation and Experimental Evaluation of a Self-stabilizing Randomized Byzantine Fault-Tolerant Atomic Broadcast Algorithm (Diploma Project), May 2022
    4. Papaioannou Georgios. Implementation and Experimental Evaluation of the Hashgraph BFT Ran- domized Algorithm (Diploma Project), May 2021
    5. Petrou Vasilis. Implementation and Evaluation of a Randomized Byzantine Fault Tolerant Distributed Algorithm (Diploma Project), May 2021