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University of Pittsburgh | |
Dr. Chrysanthis is a Professor of Computer Science and a founder and director of the Advanced Data Management Technologies Laboratory at the University of Pittsburgh. He received his BS degree (Physics with concentration in Computer Science, 1982) from the University of Athens, Greece. He earned his MS and PhD degrees (Computer and Information Sciences, 1986 and 1991) from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. He joined the Department of Computer Science at the University of Pittsburgh in 1991 and became an Associate Professor in 1997. He is also an adjunct Professor at Carnegie-Mellon University. He has held visiting positions at the University of Massachusetts, at the University of Rome, Italy and at the Carnegie-Mellon University. His research interests lie within the areas of database systems, mobile and pervasive data management, distributed computing, operating systems and real-time systems. His current research focus on data streams and on power-aware data management for tiny and mobile devices including sensor networks. In 1995, he was a recipient of the U.S. National Science Foundation CAREER Award for his investigation on the management of data for mobile and wireless computing. His research accomplishments have been published in over 100 papers in the top journals and prestigious, peer-reviewed conferences and workshops in the field. Further, Dr. Chrysanthis' publications include a book and book chapters on advances in transaction processing and on consistency in distributed databases and multidatabases. Dr. Chrysanthis is an editor of the VLDB Journal and has served as guest editor for a number of journals and on program committees of all top Database and Distributed Computing Conferences. In 1998, Dr. Chrysanthis co-chaired the National Science Foundation Information and Data Management Workshop on the research agenda for the 21st Century and between 1999 and 2001, he was the program co-chair for five workshops on databases and mobility. In 2003, he co-chaired the technical program of the International Conference on Mobile Data Management (MDM) and he was the general co-chair of the ACM Workshop on Data Engineering for Mobile and Wireless Access (MobiDE). More recently, he was the the IEEE Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE 2004) Vice Chair for the area of distributed, parallel and mobile databases and the General Chair of MDM 2005. He delivered several tutorials in conferences and at Universities abroad, of which the most recent one was on Mobile and Wireless Database Access for Pervasive Computing in ICDE 2003. He is a member of the ACM (Sigmod, Sigmobile, Sigops), the IEEE Computer Society, and the USENIX Association. |
Database Systems, Mobile and Pervasive Data Management, Distributed Computing, Operating Systems, Real-Time Systems |