Invited Talks F. Afrati (NTUA, Greece) "Arity hierarchies for fixed-point logic"
I. Antoniou (International Solvay Institutes, ULB, Belgium), "Probabilistic Logics Associated with Complex Systems"
S. Cosmadakis (University of Patras, Greece) "Expressiveness of Database Query Languages"
C. Dimitrakopoulos (University of Athens, Greece), "Subsystems of Peano Arithmetic: Some results and problems"
T. Feidas (University of Heraclion, Greece), "Current trends in Model Theory and Hilbert's Tenth Problem"
P. Kolaitis (University of California, USA), "0-1 Laws in Finite Model Theory"
G. Metakides (European Commission, Belgium), "Title to be announced"
E. Papadopetrakis (University of Patras, Greece), "The Propositional Calculus and the Stoics"
J. Sifakis (VERIMAG, France) "Program Specification and Verification"
S. Zachos (NTUA, Greece) "Non-Collapsing Assumptions about Complexity Classes needed for proving Non-Approximability Results" V. Kyrkos (University of Athens) “H Logikh ton Megarikon: mia allh ekdoxh tou Ellhnikou Logou.” |