Project Involvement
- MA(R)S): Memory as a (Reconfigurable) Service for Distributed Applications. Funded by the
Cyprus Research and Innovation Foundation, in the context of the PhD in Industry program, October 2023 – September 2025. Academic Supervisor/UCY Principal Investigator.
- e4Pain: Functional versus dysfunctional coping with physical and emotional pain: Utilizing machine learning for the ambulatory assessment, experimental evaluation, and prediction. Funded by the University of Cyprus(*), July 2021 - June 2023. CS Lead Scientist.
- CARE: Cancer, allostatic load, and regulation of emotions: How stress and emotion regulation impact mental and physical health of breast and testicular cancer patients. Funded by the Cyprus Cancer Research Institute, June 2021 - June 2024. Participating Researcher.
- CoronaSurveys: Estimating the Incidence and Evolution of COVID-19 using the Network Scale-up Method. Funded by the Comunidad Autonoma de Madrid (and donations), Spain, 2020 – present. Ambassador and Core Member.
- ESS-BFT: Towards an Efficient and Self-Stabilizing Byzantine Fault-Tolerant Blockchain Infrastructure. Funded by the ONISILIOS postdoctoral funding scheme of the University of Cyprus(*), September 2020 - August 2022. Project Coordinator.
- COLLABORATE: Developing a Strongly Consistent, Long-Lived, Fault-Tolerant, Distributed Storage System with a Failure Prediction Mechanism. Funded by the
Cyprus Research and Innovation Foundation, in the context of RESTART 2016-2020, May 2019 - October 2021. UCY Principal Investigator.
- COST IC1405: Reversible Computation -- Extending Horizons of Computing.
Funded by the European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST), April 2015 - April 2019. Substitute MC for Cyprus.
- Cloud4BigData: Efficient Cloud and Big Data Infrastructure. Funded by the Comunidad Autonoma de Madrid, Spain, 2014 - 2018. UCY Principal Investigator (UCY is an associated partner).
- MEDUSA: Multi-order Dependency Approaches for Managing Cascading Effects in Ports' Global Supply Chain and their Integration in Risk Assessment Frameworks. Funded by the European Commission, under Prevention, Preparedness and Consequence Management of Terrorism and other Security-related Risks (CIPS), July 2014 - June 2016. UCY co-Principal Investigator and Leader of Work Package 2.
- CLOUDS: Cloud Computing para Servicios Escalabkes, Coniables y Ubicuios. Funded by the Comunidad Autonoma de Madrid, Spain, 2010 - 2014. UCY Principal Investigator (UCY is an associated partner).
- RELIABLE: Reliable Master-Worker Internet-based Computing. Funded by the Cyprus Research Promotion Foundation, in the context of DESMI 2009-2010, November 2010 - October 2012. Project Coordinator.
- ATOMIC: Seeking Fastness in Multiple-Writer Multiple-Reader Atomic Register Implementations. Funded by the Cyprus Research Promotion Foundation, in the context of PENEK (Program for Supporting Young Researchers 2009), September 2010 - September 2011. Project Coordinator.
- PATRAS: E-learning of Higher Mathematics with the use of Algebraic Computing. Funded by the Cyprus Research Promotion Foundation and the Hellenic General Secretariat for Research and Technology, under the Joint Program of Scientific and Technological Collaboration between Greece and Cyprus, March 2007 - September 2008. Participating Researcher, ICT Expert.
- PROODOS: Specification and Verification of Protocols in Ad Hoc Networks using Formal Methods. Funded by the Cyprus Research Promotion Foundation, in the context of PENEK (Program for Supporting Young Researchers 2005), February 2006 - August 2007. Scientific Leader.
- AUTONOMIC: Sistemas Distribuidos Autonsmicos, Confiables y de Altas Prestaciones. Funded by the Comunidad Autonoma de Madrid, Spain, 2006 - 2009. External researcher.
- VERIFY: Verifiable Distributed Code. Funded by the University of Cyprus, in the context of Faculty Start-up Grants, January - February 2006. Principal Investigator.
- AGT: Algorithmic Game Theory. Funded by the Cyprus Research Promotion Foundation and the French Leading Agency for International Mobility, under the Joint Program of Scientific and Technological Collaboration between France and Cyprus, January 2006 - December 2007. Participating Researcher.
- AEOLUS: Algorithmic Principles for Building Efficient Overlay Computers.
Funded by the European Commission, Research Directorate,
Future and Emerging Technologies Unit (FET), 6th Framework Programme
on Research, Technological Development and Demonstration,
Information Society Technologies Programme (IST), September 2005 - August 2009. Participating Researcher.
- CoreGRID: European Research Network on Foundations, Software Infrastructures and Applications for Large Scale Distributed, GRID and Peer-to-Peer Technologies.
Funded by the European Commission, under the 6th Framework Programme
on Research, Technological Development and Demonstration,
Information Society Technologies Programme (IST), September 2004 - August 2008. Participating Researcher.
- DELIS: Dynamically Evolving, Large-Scale Information Systems.
Funded by the European Commission, Research Directorate,
Future and Emerging Technologies Unit (FET), 6th Framework Programme
on Research, Technological Development and Demonstration,
Information Society Technologies Programme (IST), January 2004 - December 2007. Participating Researcher.
(*) The project proposal underwent a formal, competitive evaluation by external evaluators.