Limassol, Cyprus
Nov 01-04, 2018
Dates & Deadlines:
- April 8, 2018: Abstract Deadline
- April 15, 2018: Paper Deadline
- April 22, 2018: Workshop and Tutorial Proposal Deadline
- June 4-6, 2018: Author Response Period
- June 20, 2018: Author Notification
- June 29, 2018: ACM Student Research Competition
- July 9, 2018: Artifact Evaluation Submission Deadline
- Aug 3, 2018: Camera Ready Final Papers
- September 7, 2018: Student Travel Grants
- November 01-04, 2018: PACT 2018
PACT 2018 Information:
Call for Contributions
Conference Photos
PACT 2018 Organization:
Previous PACTs:
Address questions to:
skevos [at]
The 27th International Conference on
Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques (PACT18)
Limassol, Cyprus
November 01-04, 2018
Student Travel Grants
- The exact number and amount of the awards will be determined based on the number of eligible applicants and the availability of funds.
- Selection for awards and award amounts will consider on a number of factors, including but not limited to:
a) Whether the student has a paper or poster accepted in the program.
b) Whether the student presents a paper or poster.
c) Academic standing and research progress.
d) Availability of other funding sources to support the student's travel.
e) Hardships faced beyond typical graduate student challenges.
- Some of funds may be restricted to a) students who have a membership at one of the following organizations, and b) students from US institutions.
- Some travel funds may be available only to student members of ACM SIGARCH (Special Interest Group on Computer Architecture) or only to IEEE members. Any student from any country can become an ACM/IEEE member.
- To be given higher priority we highly encourage all students to join SIGARCH and TCCA. SIGARCH offers an online membership for $2 and solicits blog posts from students reporting on their PACT conference experience and such posts may further improve priority. TCCA = IEEE Computer Society Technical Computing Group on Computer Architecture and offers free membership.
- Any funds provided by the National Science Foundation must be used to support students from U.S. institutions traveling to PACT 2018.
- Reimbursement will occur after the conference, and is contingent upon two things:
(a) The submission of all original receipts (transportation and accommodation). Please note that we must have the original receipts and not credit card receipts. Also, all travel grant awardees must fill out the travel expense claim form (which will be provided at a later time).
(b) The submission of a 1-page report of your experience of PACT-2018, and what you thought was the most significant presentation and the paper at the conference.
How to apply:
Grant applications must be received by the deadline. The student travel grant application deadline is September 7, 2018. Please send the application by email to the Student Travel Grant Chair, Erik Altman.
Use the subject line "PACT 2018 Student Travel Grant Application for [Your-Last-Name, Your-First-Name]"
The travel grant application must include:
- The name of the student, the student's institution and advisor
- Student's US or EU citizenship or residency information, if applicable
- Indication if student has paper(s) or poster(s) accepted at PACT and whether the student will present those paper(s) or poster(s).
- Indication of any special hardships faced beyond the normal rigors of being a graduate student.
- A resume (including IEEE and/or ACM student membership numbers if available)
- A cover letter stating the reason for attending PACT and a description of research interests
- A statement from the student's advisor confirming that you are a full-time student pursuing an MS/PhD or undergraduate research in the areas covered by PACT with the email titled "Student Travel Status Confirmation for [Your-Last-Name, Your-First-Name]". The confirmation email must be received prior to the application deadline
- Information about other sources of funding
- Estimate of conference-related expenses
Due to the large number of applications we expect to receive, we will NOT solicit letters from your advisors. It is YOUR responsibility to ensure that your advisor sends us a confirmation email before the deadline.