G. M. Kapitsaki, Students’ perceptions on adaptations and workload versus artifacts in a project-based Scrum-variant course, IEEE Transactions on Education, 67(5), pp. 639-647, 2024.
L. Chatzivasili, G. Charalambous, G. Kapitsaki, M. Papoutsoglou, K. Markakis, I. Harasim, M. Plevraki, K. Magoutis, SocioCoast: Design and Implementation of a Data-Driven Platform for Citizen Science in Coastal Areas, ACM Digital Government: Research and Practice, 4(3), pp. 1-21, 2023.
S.A. Licorish, M. Galster, G.M. Kapitsaki, A. Tahir, Understanding
students’ software development projects: Effort,
performance, satisfaction, skills and their relation to
the adequacy of outcomes developed, Elsevier
Journal of Systems and Software, 186, April 2022, 111156.
M. Papoutsoglou, E. S. Rigas, G. M.Kapitsaki, L.
Angelis, J. Wachs, Online Labour Market Analytics for
Green Economy: The Case of Electric Vehicles,
Elsevier Technological Forecasting & Social Change,
177, Apr. 2022, 121517.
G. M.Kapitsaki, A. P. Achilleos, P. Aziz, A. C.
Paphitou, SensoMan: Social Management of Context
Sensors and Actuators for IoT, MDPI Journal of
Sensors and Actuators Networks, 110(4), 68, 2021.
M. Papoutsoglou, G. M. Kapitsaki, D. German, L. Angelis,
An analysis of open source software licensing
questions in Stack Exchange sites, Elsevier Journal
of Systems and Software, 183, Jan. 2022, 111113, 2022.
L. Paskali, L. Ivanovic, G. Kapitsaki, D. Ivanovic, B.
Dimic Surla, D. Surla, Personalization of search
results representation of a digital library,
Information Technology and Libraries, Vol 40 No 1, 2021,
DOI: https://doi.org/10.6017/ital.v40i1.12647.
M. Papoutsoglou, G.M. Kapitsaki, L. Angelis, Modeling
the effect of the badges gamification mechanism on
personality traits of Stack Overflow users,
Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, 105: 102157,
A. Dini Kounoudes, G.M. Kapitsaki, Mapping IoT
user-centric privacy research to GDPR, Elsevier
Internet of Things, vol. 11, 100179, Sept. 2020.
G.M. Kapitsaki, S. Loizou Kleanthous, G.A. Papadopoulos,
A transactive memory system perspective in software
engineering education, IEEE Transactions on
Education, 63(3), pp. 190-19, 2020.
A. Achilleos, K. Kritikos, A. Rossini, G.M. Kapitsaki,
J. Domaschka, M. Orzechowski, D. Seybold, F. Griesinger,
N. Nikolov, D. Romero, G. Papadopoulos, The Cloud Application Modelling
and Execution Language, Springer Journal of
Cloud Computing, 2019.
F.J. García-Peñalvo, D. Griffiths , J. Cruz-Benito, E.
Veenendaal, A. Achilleos, S. Wilson, G. Kapitsaki,
Understanding the barriers to virtual student placements
in the Semester of Code Education in the Knowledge
Society, Journal of Systems and Software, EKS Journal,
vol. 17, n. 1, pp. 147-173, 2016.
G.M. Kapitsaki, .D A. Kateros, G.N. Prezerakos, I.S.
Venieris, Model-driven Development of Composite
Context-aware Web Applications, Elsevier Journal of
Information and Software Technology, Vol. 51, Iss. 8, pp.
1244-1260, 2009.
G.M. Kapitsaki, G.N. Prezerakos, N.D. Tselikas, I.S.
Venieris, Context-aware Service Engineering: A Survey,
Elsevier Journal of Systems and Software, Vol. 82, Iss. 8,
pp. 1285-1297, 2009.
Book Chapters
G.M. Kapitsaki. Context and End-User Privacy
Policies in Web Service-Based Applications,
Innovative Solutions and Applications of Web Services
Technology, IGI Global, 2019.
G.M. Kapitsaki, G.V. Lioudakis, D.I. Kaklamani, I.S.
Venieris. Privacy Protection in Context-Aware Web
Services: Challenges and Solutions, Enabling
Context-Aware Web Services: Methods, Architectures, and
Technologies, Chapman and Hall/CRC Press, 2010, pp.
G.M. Kapitsaki, G.N. Prezerakos, N.D. Tselikas.Context-aware
Web Service Development: Methodologies and Approaches,
Enabling Context-Aware Web Services: Methods,
Architectures, and Technologies, Chapman and Hall/CRC
Press, 2010, pp 3-29.
N.D. Tselikas, G.M. Kapitsaki, D. Makris, I.S. Venieris,
Open APIs and Protocols for Services and Applications
in Telecoms, Handbook of Research on
Telecommunications Planning and Management for Business,
February 2009, Chapter 45.
G.M. Kapitsaki, L. Lavazza, S. Morasca, G. Rotolini, A Replicated Study on Factors Affecting Software Understandability, accepted at the 20th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering (ENASE 2025), Porto, Portugal.
G. Shittas, G.M. Kapitsaki, M. Papoutsoglou, Licy: a chatbot assistant to better understand and select Open Source Software licenses, accepted at the 20th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering (ENASE 2025), Porto, Portugal.
G.M. Kapitsaki, L. Chatzivasili, M. Papoutsoglou, M. Galster, An Exploratory Study on Soft Skills present in Software Positions in Cyprus: a quasi-Replication Study, accepted at the 18th ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement (ESEM 2024), Barcelona, Spain.
G.M. Kapitsaki, M. Papoutsoglou, GDPR indications in commits messages in GitHub repositories, poster track of the 46th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2024).
G.M. Kapitsaki, M. Papoutsoglou, Funding sources in top Software Engineering conference publications, in Proceedings of the 30th Asia Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC 2023), pp.
G.M. Kapitsaki, M. Papoutsoglou, A privacy policies dataset in Greek in the GDPR era, in Proceedings of the 27th Pan-Hellenic Conference on Informatics (PCI 2023), pp.
E. Rigas, M. Papoutsoglou, G. Kapitsaki, N. Bassiliades, Mining Software Repositories to identify Electric Vehicle Trends: The Case of GitHub, in Proceedings of the International Conference on Behavioural and Social Computing 2023 (BESC 2023), pp.
G. M. Kapitsaki, A. Paphitou, A. P. Achilleos, Towards open source software licenses compatibility check, 26th Pan-Hellenic Conference on Informatics (PCI 2022), 2022.
M. Kaili, G.M. Kapitsaki, Privacy Policy Beautifier: bringing privacy policies closer to users, in Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2022), 2022, pp. 54-63.
A. Dini Kounoudes, G. M. Kapitsaki, I. Katakis, M.
Millis, User-Centred Privacy Inference Detection for Smart
Home Devices, in Proceedings of IEEE Smart World Congress
2021, (IEEE Smart World Congress 2021), pp.
M. Papoutsoglou, J. Wachs, G.M. Kapitsaki, Mining DEV
for social and technical insights about software
development, in Proceedings of Mining Software
Repositories, (MSR 2021), pp. 415-419.
G.M. Kapitsaki, M. Papoutsoglou, D. German, L. Angelis,
What do developers talk about open source software
licensing?, in Proceedings of the Euromicro Conference
Series on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications,
(SEAA 2020), pp. 72-79.
G.M. Kapitsaki, A. Dini Kounoudes, A. Achilleos, An
overview of user privacy preferences modeling and
adoption, in Proceedings of the Euromicro Conference
Series on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications,
(SEAA 2020) pp. 569-576.
R. Saphocleous, G.M. Kapitsaki, Examining the current
State of System Testing Methodologies in Quality
Assurance, in Proceedings of the 21st International
Conference on Agile Software Development (XP 2020), pp. 240-249.
E. Vanezi, G.M. Kapitsaki, D. Kouzapas, A. Philippou,
G.A. Papadopoulos, DiálogoP - A Language and a Graphical
Tool for Formally Defining GDPR Purposes, accepted at the
14th International Conference on Research Challenges in
Information Science (RCIS 20).
E. Vanezi, D. Kouzapas, G.M. Kapitsaki, A. Philippou,
Towards GDPR Compliant Software Design: A Formal Framework
for Analyzing System Models, in ENASE 2019 Springer
selection, 2020.
A Achilleos, C. Makrides, A. Konstantinides, I. Giorkas,
G.M. Kapitsaki, C. Mettouris, G.A. Papadopoulos, Adopting
an Open Smart City Platform: A Survey, in Proceedings of
IEEE Smart Cities 2019. (ISC2 2019).
G.M. Kapitsaki, M. Ioannou, Examining the Privacy
Vulnerability Level of Android Applications, In
Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Web
Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2019), 2019,
pp. 34-45.
E. Vanezi, D. Kouzapas, G. M. Kapitsaki, T. Costi, A.
Yeratziotis, C. Mettouris, A. Philippou, G. Papadopoulos,
A Formal GDPR Compliance in the Design of the INFORM
e-Learning Platform: a Case Study, in Proceedings of the
13th International Conference on Research Challenges in
Information Science (RCIS 2019).
E. Vanezi, G. M. Kapitsaki, D. Kouzapas, A. Philipou, A
Formal Modeling Scheme for Analyzing a Software System
Design against the GDPR, in Proceedings of the 14th
International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches
to Software Engineering (ENASE 2019), pp. 68-79.
C. Mettouris, A. Achilleos, G. Kapitsaki, G.
Papadopoulos, The UbiCARS Model-Driven Framework:
Automating Development of Recommender Systems for
Commerce, in Proceedings of the 2018 European Conference
on Ambient Intelligence (AmI 2018), Larnaca, Cyprus, pp.
M. Papoutsoglou, G. Kapitsaki, N. Mittas, Linking
Personality Traits and Interpersonal Skills to
Gamification Awards, in Proceedings of the Euromicro
Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced
Applications (SEAA 2018), 2018, pp. 214-221.
G.M. Kapitsaki, J. Ioannou, J. Cardoso, C. Pedrinaci,
Linked USDL Privacy: Describing Privacy Policies for
Services, in Proceedings of the IEEE International
Conference on Web Services (ICWS 2018), San Francisco, United
States, pp. 50-57.
G.M. Kapitsaki, S. Kleanthous, Bringing Together
Undergraduate and Postgraduate Students in Software
Engineering Team Project: Experiences and Lessons, in
Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Conference on Innovation
and Technology in Computer Science Education (ITiCSE
2018), Larnaca, Cyprus.
K.-I. Kyriakou, N. Tselikas, G.M. Kapitsaki, Improving
C/C++ Open Source Software discoverability by utilizing
Rust and Node.js ecosystems, in Proceedings of the 14th
International Conference on Open Source Systems (OSS 2018),
pp. 181-192, Athens, Greece.
S. Kleanthous, G.M. Kapitsaki, Poster: Analyzing the
transactive memory in teaching Software Engineering, in
Proceedings of the 40th International Conference on
Software Engineering (ICSE 2018), Companion Volume, pp.
145-146, Gotheburg, Sweden.
G.M. Kapitsaki, D. Paschalides, Identifying terms in
open source software license texts, in Proceedings of the
24th Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC 2017),
Nanjing, China, pp. 540-545.
G.M. Kapitsaki, T. Charalambous, PrivacySafer: Privacy
Adaptation for HTML5 Web Applications, in Proceedings of
the 18th International Conference on Web Information
Systems Engineering (WISE
2017), Moscow region, Russia, pp. 247-262.
G.M. Kapitsaki, D. Ivanovic, Representation with word
clouds at the PhD UNS Digital Library, in Proceedings of
the 18th International Conference on Web Information
Systems Engineering (ICCSEA 2017), Vienna, Austria.
G.M. Kapitsaki, P. Foutros, Dear developers, your
expertise in one place, in Proceedings of the Euromicro
Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced
Applications (SEAA 2017), Vienna, Austria, pp.
G.M. Kapitsaki, G. Charalambous, Find Your Open Source
License Now!, in Proceedings of the 23rd Asia-Pacific
Software Engineering Conference (APSEC 2016),
Hamilton, New Zealand.
E. Constantinou. G. Kapitsaki, On the Evolution of
Developers Expertise and Roles on GitHub, in Proceedings
of the 23rd Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC 2016),
Hamilton, New Zealand.
J. Azzopardi, D. Ivanovic, G.M. Kapitsaki, Comparison of
Collaborative and Content-based Automatic Recommendation
Approaches in a Digital Library of Serbian PhD
Dissertations, in Proceedings of the 2nd International
KEYSTONE Conference (IKC 2016), Cluj-Napoca Romania,
Springer, 2016, pp. 100-111.
A. Achilleos, G.M. Kapitsaki, E. Constantinou, G Horn, G
Papadopoulos, Business-Oriented Evaluation of the
PaaSage Platform, in Proceedings of the 8th
IEEE/ACM International Conference on Utility and Cloud
Computing (UCC15), pp. 322-326 [pdf].
G.M. Kapitsaki, G. Kalaitzidou, C. Mettouris, A.P.
Achilleos, G.A. Papadopoulos, Identifying context
information in datasets, in Proceedings of
the Ninth International and Interdisciplinary Conference
on Modeling and Using Context (CONTEXT15), pp. 214-225.
G.M. Kapitsaki, M.Christou, Where is Scrum in the current Agile
world?, in Proceedings of the 9th
International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Software
Approaches to Software Engineering (ENASE 2014),
pp. 101-108.
F.J. García Peñalvo, I.Á. Navia, J.R. García Bermejo,
M.Á.l Conde González, A.G. Holgado, V. Zangrando, A.
Miguel Seoane Pardo, J.C. Benito, S. Lee, R. Elferink, E.
Veenendaal, S. Zondergeld, D. Griffiths, P.l Sharples, D.
Sherlock, A. F De Toni, C. Battistella, G. Tonizza, G. De
Zan, G.A Papadopoulos, G. Kapitsaki, A.P Achilleos, C.
Mettouris, S. Cheung, Z. Guerrero, E. He, M. Alier
Forment, E. Mayol, M. José Casany, S. Wilson, R. Wilson,
M. Johnson, VALS: Virtual Alliances for
Learning Society, in Proceedings of the
Technological Ecosystems for Enhancing Multiculturality
conference, Track on Knowledge Society Related Projects, (TEEM
G.M. Kapitsaki, Reflecting user privacy preferences
in context-aware Web Services, In Proceedings of
the IEEE 20th International Conference on Web Services
(ICWS 2013), pp. 123-130.
F. Ioannides, G. M. Kapitsaki, Nearchos Paspallis, Demo:
Professor2Student - connecting supervisors and students,
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Mobile
Web Information Systems (MobiWIS 2013), pp. 288-291.
G.M. Kapitsaki, Enhancing Web Service Descriptions
with Context Functions, In Proceedings of the 8th
International Conference on Web Information Systems and
Technologies (WEBIST 12), Porto, Portugal, April 18-21,
2012, pp. 213-218.
I.E. Foukarakis, G.M. Kapitsaki, N.D. Tselikas Choosing
licenses in free open source software, In
Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on
Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (SEKE
2012), Redwood City, California, USA, July 1-3, 2012, pp.
A.P. Achilleos, G.M. Kapitsaki, G. Sielis, G.A.
Papadopoulos The COIN Platform: Supporting the Marine
Shipping Industrial Sector, In Proceedings of the
24th International Conference on Software Engineering and
Knowledge Engineering (SEKE 2012), Redwood City,
California, USA, July 1-3, 2012, pp. A-1 - A-2.
A. Achilleos, G.M. Kapitsaki, G. Sielis, M. Sesana, S.
Gusmeroli, G. Papadopoulos, Enterprise COllaboration and
INteroperability (COIN) platform: Two Case Studies in the
Marine Shipping Domain, In Proceedings of the 13th
International Conference on Web Information System
Engineering (WISE 2012), pp. 396-410.
G.M. Kapitsaki, A.P. Achilleos, Model Matching for Web
Services on Context Dependencies, In Proceedings of the
14th International Conference on Information Integration
and Web-based Applications & Services (iiWAS 2012),
pp. 45-53.
A.P. Achilleos, G.M. Kapitsaki, G.A. Papadopoulos, “A
Framework for Dynamic Validation of Context-Aware
Applications”, In Proceedings of the 15th International
Conference on Computational Science and Engineering (CSE
2012), pp. 532-539.
G.M. Kapitsaki, Identifying Context Sources Towards
Context-aware Adapted Web Services, In Proceedings
of the 7th International Conference on Web Information
Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 11), Noordwijkerhout,
Netherlands, May 5-9, 2011, pp. 135-140.
G. M. Kapitsaki, A. Achilleos, Applying
Model-Driven Engineering for Linking Web Service and
Context Models, In Proceedings of the 13th
International Conference on Information Integration and
Web-based Applications & Services (iiWAS 11), pp.
511-514., Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam, December 05-07.
G. M. Kapitsaki, D. A. Kateros, G. V. Lioudakis, I. S.
Venieris, Extending Reusable Asset Specification to
Describe Simple Mobile Services, In Proceedings of
the 17th IST Mobile and Wireless Communications Summit,
Stockholm, Sweden, June, 2008, pp. 1-8.
D.A. Kateros, G.M. Kapitsaki, Ni.D. Tselikas, I.S.
Venieris, A Methodology for Model-Driven Web
Application Composition, In Proceedings of the IEEE
International Conference on Services Computing (SCC 08),
Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, July, 2008, Vol. 2, pp. 489-492.
G.M. Kapitsaki, D.A. Kateros, I.S. Venieris, Architecture
for Provision of Context-aware Web Applications based on
Web Services, In Proceedings of the IEEE
International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile
Radio Communications (PIMRC 08), Cannes, France, September
14-18, 2008.
G.V. Lioudakis, N.L. Dellas, E.A. Koutsoloukas, G.M.
Kapitsaki, D.I. Kaklamani, I.S. Venieris, A Semantic Framework for Privacy-Aware
Access Control, In Proceedings of the 3rd
International Workshop on Secure Information Systems (SIS
2008), International Multiconference on Computer Science
and Information technology, Wisla, Poland, October 20-22,
2008, pp. 813-820.
G.M. Kapitsaki, D.A. Kateros, C.Pappas, N.D. Tselikas,
I.S. Venieris, Model-Driven Development of Composite
Web Applications, In Proceedings of the 10th
International Conference on Information Integration and
Web-based Applications and Services (iiWAS €08), Linz,
Austria, November 24-26, 2008.
G.M. Kapitsaki, I.S. Venieris, PCP: Privacy-aware
Context Profile towards Context-aware Application
Development,In Proceedings of the 10th
International Conference on Information Integration and
Web-based Applications and Services (iiWAS 08), Linz,
Austria, November 24-26, 2008.
G. Kapitsaki, D.A. Kateros, I.E. Foukarakis, G.N.
Prezerakos, D.I. Kaklamani, I..S. Venieris, Service Composition: State of the art
and future challenges, In Proceedings of the
16th IST Mobile and Wireless Communications Summit,
Budapest, Hungary, July, 2007, pp. 1-5.
L. Chatzivasili, G. Charalambous, M. Papoutsoglou, G. Kapitsaki, K. Markakis, I. Harasim, K. Magoutis, E. Chatzinikolaou, G. Sarafidou, I. Rallis, M. Digenis, C2. A Framework for Biodiversity Image Analysis using Machine Learning and Crowdsourcing Knowledge,
in Proceedings of 1st International Workshop on Data Analytics for Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 2023.
M. Papoutsoglou, K. Markakis, G.M. Kapitsaki, K.
Magoutis, L.Hadjivasilis, L. Katelaris, C. Bekiari, A
framework to enhance smart citizenship in coastal areas,
in Proceedings of WebAndTheCity2022, part of the ACM Web
Conference 2022.
A. Dini Kounoudes, G. M. Kapitsaki, M. Milis. Towards
Considering User Privacy Preferences in Smart Water
Management, UMAP (User Modelling, Adaptation and
Personalization) APPS workshop (1st International Workshop
on Adaptive and Personalized Privacy and Security), 2019.
A. Achilleos G. M. Kapitsaki, G. A. Papadopoulos, A
Model-Driven Framework for Developing Web Service
Oriented Application, In Proceedings of the 7th
Model-Driven Web Engineering Workshop (MDWE) of the 11th
International Conference on Web Engineering (ICWE 2011),
Paphos, Cyprus, June 20-24.