cs@ucy.ac.cy | +357-22-892700

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  • Undergraduate Programme
    Cypriot citizens, Turkish-Cypriots, Citizens of Greece, Overseas Students, Cypriots and Greeks of the Diaspora as well as people with Special Criteria are eligible for admission.
  • Postgraduate Programme
    Application forms must be submitted to the Postgraduate Studies Coordinator of the Computer Science Department by the 6th of April of each year for entry in the fall semester and by the 31st of October for entry in the spring semester. Applicants must have a University degree awarded by an accredited institution in the country where it operates, or a degree evaluated as equivalent to a University degree by the Cyprus Council for the Recognition of Higher Education Qualifications (KY.S.A.T.S). Individuals who will be awarded a University degree or Graduation certificate fulfilling the necessary criteria by the end of the week that precedes registration week, are also eligible to submit an application form.

For more information you can visit the University’s related page.