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Specifications for Preparation of the Doctoral Dissertation

Abstract. An abstract is required. The body of the abstract may not exceed 400 words in length. See the sample abstract page for the format.

Minimum Margins. The minimum acceptable margins for all pages of the dissertation and the abstract are 3.8 centimeters (1.5 inches) on left and 2.5 centimeters (1 inch) on the top, bottom, and right.

Paper Requirement. All pages of the dissertation must be printed on 21 x 29.7 centimeter (8.27 x 11.69 inch) white paper that it is at least 25% cotton and 20lbs. weight. This is a special A4 paper format that can be obtained at bookstores.

Font and Point Size. Recommended fonts include Arial, Times New Roman, and Helvetica with a point size of either 11 or 12 (preferably 11).

Printing. Either laser printing or photocopying of high quality is acceptable. Inkjet printing is not acceptable as it is water soluble. Only one side of the paper is to be used for printing. Printing should be consistently clear and dark.

Spacing. The text of the dissertation should be double spaced. Long quotations, footnotes, appendices, and references may be single spaced.

Color. It is recommended that you not rely on color to convey information (e.g., use symbols or labels rather than colors to differentiate the lines on a graph, or use stripes and cross-hatching instead of colors to distinguish areas on a map).

Photographs and Graphics. Photographs and graphics in the dissertation should be printed or photocopied directly on the paper as high quality black and white images. Scanned images must print clearly. If color must be used, only color laser or color photocopy printing is acceptable.

Use of materials copyrighted by others. IMPORTANT: Any material included that goes beyond “fair use” requires written permission of the copyright owner. It may be useful to include these in the dissertation as an appendix.

Pagination. Preliminary pages (i.e., the approval page, acknowledgments, table of contents, and the like) are to be numbered consecutively using lower case Roman numerals. All pages of the text, appendices (if any), and references must be numbered consecutively using Arabic numerals. The page number of the first page of each Chapter must be centered on the bottom of the page. In all other pages, the page number must be placed on the top of the page, aligned to the right.

Landscape pages. The top of a landscape page should be at the left margin and the bottom at the right margin. The page number is to be in the same relative position as on the portrait pages. An easy way to apply page numbers to landscape pages is to run them through the printer twice – once for the text, table, or figure (landscape orientation) and once for the page number (portrait orientation).

Sequence of the main components of the dissertation. The appropriate order of the major sections of the dissertation follows: the abstract, the title page, the copyright page (if needed), the approval page, acknowledgments, table of contents, the text, the bibliography/references, and appendices (if any).

Bibliography/References. The ACM (http://www.acm.org/pubs) or the IEEE (http://standards.ieee.org/resources) reference style should be followed.

Footnotes and Endnotes No specific rules. The format that is prescribed by your advisory committee should be followed.

It is recommended that you use your full legal name on the abstract, the title page, the copyright page (if appropriate), and on the approval page. Make certain that your name appears exactly the same way in all places.

Take a moment to check that all pages in all copies of your dissertation are accounted for and in the proper order before submitting final copies to the Departmental Secretary. Two hardcopies and an electronic version (in pdf format) of the dissertation should be submitted to the Departmental Secretary.

For students that plan to write their disseretation using Latex or MS Word authoring programms, they can download samples from http://www.cs.ucy.ac.cy/~chryssis/phd-specs.html.