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Research Areas

Computer Science is a relatively new but rapidly growing science, so that the conducted research, affects dynamically the content of the Curricula, both the Graduate and the Undergraduate, as it happens internationally. Below you can find information about several research activities in the Computer Science Department.

Artificial Intelligence
Machine learning, neural networks, data mining, knowledge representation, planning, reasoning, cognitive agents, computational and cognitive neuroscience, genetic algorithms
(Chris Christodoulou, Yannis Dimopoulos, Elpida Keravnou Papailiou, Constantinos Pattichis)

Computer Architecture
Processor architecture, power and temperature aware micro-architectures, dataflow architectures, memory hierarchy, cache redundancy, parallel processing, power-aware optimizations
(Yanos Sazeides, Haris Volos)

Databases and Information Management
Database systems, distributed query processing, mobile and wireless data management, data mining, information retrieval, uncertain data, knowledge representation and reasoning
(Andreas Pieris, Demetris Zeinalipour)

Computer Graphics
Graphics, virtual and augmented reality, computer vision, multimedia, interactive technologies
(Andreas Aristidou, Yiorgos Chrysanthou)

Computer Networks and Internet Computing
Fixed, wireless, mobile, ah hoc, sensor and vehicular networks, network-centric computing, grid and cloud computing, online social networking, web technologies
(Marios Dikaiakos, Panayiotis Kolios, George Pallis, Vasos Vassiliou)

Software Engineering
Service-oriented architectures, context-aware services, middleware, programming languages, component-based systems, parallel and distributed systems, operating systems, human computer interaction
(Eleni Constantinou, Georgia Kapitsaki, George Papadopoulos)

Theoretical Computer Science
Algorithms, complexity, fault-tolerance, dependability, game theory, concurrency theory, formal methods, distributed computing
(Chryssis Georgiou, Marios Mavronicolas, Anna Philippou)

System Security and Privacy
System security, network security, software bugs, memory errors, software hardening, attacks and defenses, applied cryptography, privacy
(Elias Athanasopoulos)