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Courses on the Web

Fall Semester Courses


Undergraduate Courses




EPL 001 Introduction to Computer Science    
EPL 002 Introduction to Computer Science    
EPL 003 Computer Science and Information Systems    
EPL 031 Introduction to Programming    
EPL 033 Introduction to Programming for Engineers  
EPL 034 Introduction to Programming for Engineers    
EPL 035 Data Structures and Algorithms for Electrical and Computer Engineers  
EPL 041 Electronic Health and Medicine    
EPL 111 Discrete Structures in Computer Science and Computation      
EPL 131 Programming Principles I  
EPL 133 Object Oriented Programming    
EPL 202 Explorations into Computer Science    
EPL 211 Computational Theory    
EPL 221 Computer Organization and Assembly Programming    
EPL 222 Operating Systems    
EPL 231 Data Structures and Algorithms    
EPL 232 Programming Techniques and Tools    
EPL 324 Communications and Networks  
EPL 341 Artificial Intelligence    
EPL 342 Databases  
EPL 343 Software Engineering    
EPL 412 Logic in Computer Science    
EPL 421 Systems Programming  
EPL 423  Network and Information Security      
EPL 427  Mobile Computer Networks    
EPL 428 Internet of Things: Programming and Application    
EPL 435 Human Computer Interaction      
EPL 442 Machine Learning      
EPL 445 Digital Image Processing    
EPL 450 Network Management and Services    



Postgraduate Courses




DSC 510 Introduction to Data Science and Analytics    
EPL 601 Distributed Systems      
EPL 603 Advanced Software Engineering  
EPL 604 Artificial Intelligence      
EPL 605 Advanced Computer Architecture    
EPL 606 Computer Networks and the Internet    
EPL 607 Graphic and Visual Computation      
EPL 660 Ιnformation Retrieval and Search Engines    
EPL 678 Temporal Information Systems in Medicine    
EPL 679 E-Health    
EPL 683 Technology Entrepreneurship      



Spring Semester Courses


Undergraduate Courses




EPL 001 Introduction to Computer Science - -
EPL 002 Introduction to Computer Science - -
EPL 032 Introduction to Programming and Problem Solving - -
EPL 034 Introduction to Programming for Electrical and Computer Engineers - -
EPL 042 Seminar of Digital Health - Moodle -
EPL 121 Digital Systems - -
EPL 131 Programming Principles I Moodle -
EPL 133 Object Oriented Programming - -
EPL 202 Explorations into Computer Science - -
EPL 211 Theory of Computation - -
EPL 222 Operating Systems Moodle -
EPL 231 Data Structures and Algorithms -
EPL 236 Algorithms and Complexity -
EPL 325 Parallel Processing - -
EPL 326 Systems Security -
EPL 342 Databases Moodle -
EPL 401 Undergraduate Thesis II - Moodle -
EPL 422 Advanced Networks - -
EPL 425 Internet Technologies Moodle -
EPL 427 Mobile Computer Networks - -
EPL 433 Constraint Satisfaction and Programming Moodle -
EPL 435 Human Computer Interaction -
EPL 441 Advanced Software Engineering Moodle -
EPL 448 Data Mining in the Web Moodle -
EPL 449 Professional Practice in Software Engineering Moodle -



Postgraduate Courses




EPL 646 Advanced Topics in Databases Moodle -
EPL 653 Computer Games Software Technology - Moodle -
EPL 657 Wireless Networks Moodle -
EPL 667 Neuroinformatics - Moodle -
EPL 670 Research Methods and Professional Practices in Computer Science - -
EPL 681 Advanced Topics of Software Reuse Moodle -
EPL 682 Advanced Security Topics - -